Monday, January 21, 2013

Our enlightened superiors: "War is good for business"

The tweet above is from Mark Carney, Canadian,  ex-Governor of the Central Bank of Canada,  now elevated to the post of Governor of the Bank of England from whence he is eyeing the leadership of the Liberal party of Canada and setting his long term viewing telescope ( he is credited with long term thinking) on the Prime Ministership of Canada..... after he gets his knighthood, of course.

James Kirkup writing at TheTelegraphUK:
 War against al-Qaeda in Africa could last decades.
Britain faces a battle against Islamic extremism in North Africa and the Sahara that could last for decades, David Cameron warned on Sunday.

The Prime Minister said that countering the rise of al-Qaeda-affiliated groups in the Sahel region will require an “iron resolve” and greater military, diplomatic and economic engagement with the region.
He spoke as it was confirmed that six British citizens had died after extremists took scores of hostages at a gas plant in eastern Algeria.
France on Sunday night called the hostage-taking “an act of war”.
Some of the dead were “executed” by their captors as Algerian forces stormed the In Amenas complex, William Hague confirmed.

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