Sunday, January 13, 2013

Is Iran interfering in Canadian affairs yet again?

There's that Muslim smell to the aggressiveness, the rhetoric and the comical demands coming from Canada's native communities that says ... at least to a dodo like me .... that Muslims are involved in instigating  the native Indians into making outlandish claims.  Muslims, specifically the mad honchos in  Iran are known to make the most comical claims and demands.  We often laugh them off as jokes and don't  realize how harmful such false stories can be to those who are naive and gullible enough to believe them as facts and how those who are not intelligent enough to see things for what they are, can be  like putty in the hands of  experienced  Iranian agents bent on creating a rift between the Indian tribes and the Canadian govt.

Iranian agents have  been interfering in Canada's politics  for  going on  years now and it's time to put a FULL STOP to this foreign influence. It's time to run a check on every Muslim who have or had dealings with anybody in the native Indian communities.

Remember how an ex-chief was bribed into holidaying  in Tehran and spoke about "Canadian concentration camps" on their airwaves?  

For all the present fiasco going on with the native Canadians,  I blame Dalton McGuinty.  Why ask?   BECAUSE  if  he had the balls to play fair and treat all criminals alike ... be they  native Indians, or Indians from India or immigrants from the moon or Jupiter ...  during the appalling unbelievable incidents in   Caledonia, Ontario,  when various Indian tribes held the townspeople hostage in their own homes for months on end, even having the gall to issue them "special passports" to gain access to public roads that lead to their homes,    that would have sent a clear message to all native Indians and to the rest of us citizens of Canada that everybody is treated alike in this country.    There are no one set of rules for native Indians and another set for the rest of us.  The present situation is the fruit of  the extreme cowardice of Dalton McGuinty and his police chief  viz Caledonia.

The responsibility for any and all the ongoing  native Indian conflicts  where the natives are behaving more and more like the Vancouver riots hooligans ... should be placed at the feet of  both Dalton McGuinty and Julian Fantino  who was the Police Chief  during the Caledonia crisis.  Also, before I forget, let me point out here that during that disastrous situation in Caledonia,  I had seen Palestinians with the pallie flags flying high  and gleefully taking part in the protests with the natives.  That is another indication that pallies and Iranians are at the bottom of the present fiasco too.  You can trust the pallies to be where there's discord and disharmony ... any situation or place where the air is heavy with hatred ... you will find pallies there, never fear.  

We want everybody to be treated equally.  If native Indians are disrupting the smooth transit of train travel whether commercial or not ... those responsible should be immediately arrested and charged.  Anything less than that is a gross injustice to the rest of us citizens who would suffer that fate if we tried the tricks that native Indians constantly  do and get away with.  NOT FAIR and it should stop right away.  Favoritism to one community is injustice to the rest.

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