Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Iran ... as irrational as always

I feel sorry for the good people of Iran who are at the mercy of  their mad, demonic government.

28 January 2013 - In a renewed crackdown on the news media in Tehran, plain-clothes intelligence ministry officials yesterday searched the headquarters of four daily newspapers – Etemad, Arman, Shargh and Bahar – and the weekly Aseman and, without giving any explanation, arrested at least 10 journalists. 

Two other journalists were arrested the day before. Arrest warrants have been issued for other journalists. 

“The constant persecution of journalists keeps on intensifying by the day,” Reporters Without Borders secretary-general Christophe Deloire said. “Iran has not yet emerged from the era of terror launched after the disputed June 2009 presidential election and now, five months before the next election in June 2013, a clear warning is being given – journalists and news media will be gagged.” ..........

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