Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Highlights from Mayor Rob Ford's Budget 2013 speech ....

to the Executive Committee.

Two years ago,   I was elected to reduce the size and cost of government. And that's what we've done.

This budget represents a turning point — a turning point in our administration — and a turning point in the history of this great city.

For a decade, Toronto relied on prior-year surpluses and one-time "found money" to balance its operating budgets. 

In 2013 — that ends.

After two years of hard work and heavy lifting, we've turned the tide. Our 2013 operating budget is balanced for the first time ever — without using any prior year surplus. Once again, we have held the line on spending. Our 2013 gross operating budget is basically the same size as last year.

The size of government is also being reduced. This budget reduces 124 positions in the City for a total reduction in City staff of 1,346 since 2011.....

....We are mid-way through a review of our Fire and EMS services to see how we can improve response capability while managing costs. We are always looking for ways to deliver better service at an affordable cost. 
In the meantime, our 2013 budget will fund:
40 new firefighters who will graduate on February 1.
At least 10 new full time and 11 new part-time paramedics.
Four new Fire Stations — 1 in Scarborough, 2 in North York and 1 in Etobicoke. ($34.5 MM)
A new radio communication system shared by Police, Fire and EMS. ($42 MM)
2 new EMS facilities including an Ambulance Station at Plewes Road. ($18.4 MM)

Transportation is also a major concern in Toronto. I campaigned on making the investments necessary to improve our network of roads, trails and transit. For almost a decade, City Council neglected to maintain the Gardiner Expressway, which now needs a major investment just to keep it safe and functional. This budget includes almost $2.3 BILLION over 10 years to maintain:
over 1,000 km of roads,
50 km of expressways,
600 km of sidewalks,
150 bridges and structures,
100 km of off-street bike trails,
80 km of on-street bike path connections,
And 8,000 new bicycle parking spaces....

.....The 2013 Budget also includes funding for:
Major signal modifications, accessible pedestrian signals and pedestrian safety. ($40.5 MM /10yrs)
138 new subway cars. ($71MM)
153 new articulated buses and 99 new regular buses ($222 MM)
$384 million to make the TTC fully accessible by 2025.
And completion of the Union Station improvements.....

.....Finally, this budget includes $22.5 million, over the next few years, in new funding for the Arts. This money should be used to help make Toronto an even more attractive place to live — and to invest and create jobs. It should also help engage young people across the City who find art as exciting as many kids find sports — keeping them in school and out of trouble.....

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