Thursday, January 17, 2013

Even GPs can see how generous to a fault the NHS has become to immigrants

Behold the islamization of Britain going in full swing and behold the wisdom of  the British government.  The UK is the #1 country in the EU that Muslims enter either legally but almost always illegally from the porous borders of the EU.  British citizens who are busy going about their daily lives will not even know how their tax dollars are going to fund the medical needs of people who should not even be in the UK....imagine how they would feel when those to whom certain healthcare was denied, learn that the very same thing was readily available to the illegals or new immigrants.

Rebecca Smith,Medical Editor writing at TheTelegraphUK:
Half of GPs believe the NHS provision for immigrants is too generous, a survey has suggested, as many now break the rules by refusing treatment to those who cannot prove residency.

While NHS hospitals are allowed to charge foreign patients for treatment if they do not come from a country with a reciprocal arrangement, GPs are forced to take on people without charging.
A survey of GPs has found that the majority think this is too generous and the rules should be changed.
Some family doctors are asking some patients for proof of residency before allowing them to register, contrary to NHS guidelines, Pulse magazine found.

Doctors are complaining that the extra time required by foreign nationals, failed asylum seekers and migrants from EU member states because of language barriers, means they are losing out financially.
The majority of GPs are confused about the rules over which patients are entitled to free NHS care and official guidelines have appeared to contradict each other.

Widespread fears have been raised over medical tourism with foreign nationals arriving in Britain solely to use the NHS for emergency surgery or to have their babies.
The costs of such care should be recovered by the hospital treating them.
However little is known about the burden on GP practices with rules stating that GPs have a contractual duty to provide free emergency treatment and immediate necessary treatment for up to 14 days to any person within their practice area......

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