Friday, January 25, 2013

Conservative govt. getting too big for their boots ....

they gotta remember that the bigger one gets, the harder they fall.

Here's  how much  multi-faced the PM has become.... the same man who, a few years ago, said he would get rid of the Senate or  have an "elected to" Senate instead of the "appointed to" one that we have at present,   now keeps appointing many more senators to the body.  From the 6 new senators, only 1 of them  is an elected one.  Politicians... underneath it all, they are all liars to the core....each and every one of them.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper  has appointed five new senators to sit in the Upper Chamber, including one chosen by voters in Alberta.
Harper made the announcement in a press release Friday afternoon.
The new senators are:
Denise Batters, a Regina lawyer and mental-health expert whose late husband, former MP Dave Batters, committed suicide.
Lynn Beyak, a small business owner from Dryden, Ont., with experience in real estate, insurance and tourism.
Doug Black, a Calgary lawyer, as well as vice-chair and senior counsel of the law firm Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP.
Victor Oh, a Mississauga, Ont., entrepreneur and president of Wyford Holdings, a property development and management business.
David Wells, a St. John's executive who most recently served as deputy CEO of the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board.
Black was selected by voters in Alberta in a Senate consultation process last spring.....

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