Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Coming to Thorncliffe Park, Toronto, in the very near future

The events taking place in  London, UK are just a tiny preview of  what's coming to Canada in the very near future....all thanks to the foolhardiness of our bullheaded politicians.  As   I am  from Toronto and having visited all corners of Toronto,  I can speak only for what I have seen in this city....and what I have seen in the Thorncliffe area, makes me somewhat of an authority on where I expect the first vigilante attacks against gays and infidels to take place. Thorncliffe Park and area  is now almost 70% Muslim ... if you don't believe me, go hang around there for an hour or two and tell me different.

From TheTelegraphUK:
....The footage, from a group calling themselves Muslim Patrol, shows the gang abusing the unnamed man who was walking by himself in Whitechapel, East London.
Today Scotland Yard said they were investigating the video, which was posted on YouTube. Muslim leaders also condemned the thugs' behaviour.
It comes after the gang uploaded another video called "The Truth About Saturday Night", in which white women were called "naked animals with no self-respect".
In the latest video, hooded thugs shout at the terrified man, who appears to be wearing make-up, before one tells him: "Mate, don't you know this is a Muslim area. What's wrong with your face?"
Another then shouts: "This is a Muslim area get out of here. Get out here you b----- f--. You can't stay round here anymore.".....


  1. I had to chuckle at this quote from the article link
    "In Toronto as a whole, immigrants constituted only 49% of the population"

    Only? Only? Jesus Mother of Murphy. Kill me now.

  2. That's the media hypocrisy for you, dear Canuckguy. It's like the whole world has gone bonkers and stone cold blind, leaving just a few of us to shout in the wind. I don't blame the muzzies or the media as much as I blame the politicians, irrelevant of their stripes...most of them are ignorant about the Muslim problem having extremely low intelligence. The only good thing going for them is that they are articulate and able to hoodwink the gullible....nothing else.


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