Wednesday, January 16, 2013

At the very least, Mali will get people to look at the map of Africa

Education begins at home.  Teachers alone can't be blamed for  the deplorable ignorance of the Y and Z  generation, parents should also share the blame for the dumbos they have reared and are rearing.
The website, Soft Schools is one of the better sites having various quizzes and tests for kids (and oldies too) and  you don't have to pay anything like some other similar sites found on the internet.

Joe O'Connor writing at the NationalPost::
A university professor at Memorial University of Newfoundland says her student's knowledge of geography is so poor that three-quarters of them can't pass a simple test.
Judith Adler started getting suspicious five or six years ago. She can’t pinpoint why, or what, exactly, it was, but the sociologist at Memorial University of Newfoundland had a gnawing sensation, while looking out at the students taking her course on families and the cultural traditions of families the world over, that the undergrads in her room had no idea where in the world some of the places she was talking about actually were.

So the professor did what professors do and gave them a pop quiz consisting of a blank map and a series of questions.

“I asked them to indicate where on the map South America is, where Africa is, and Antarctica, the Arctic, and to circle Europe, label Australia and show where Asia is and label the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans and Mediterranean Sea — and I’ve become much simpler in what I have asked over the years,” Ms. Adler says.

“I used to ask if they could identify France, England or Ireland — which is the background of a lot of students here, or Spain or Portugal, which is important for this part of the world, but I’ve stopped asking that.

“A sizeable proportion of the class would reliably have no idea where the Mediterranean is. Some students would circle Africa and indicate that it’s Europe, and if asked to locate England and Ireland, they would put them in Africa. I have had students that aren’t able to correctly label the Atlantic Ocean, even though we are on it.”

Three-quarters of her students typically fail the quiz, a humdinger of a statistic that mystifies their professor......

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