Thursday, December 20, 2012

What a joy to know that Calgary and Saskatoon transits wish their riders a "Merry Christmas"

Hooray for Christmas !!  Hooray for Christians in both cities for putting their foot down firm and hard. Let's grow roots and stand tall.  The majority should be heard .... not the other way round.

Christians are and will remain Canada's largest religious group  .... by a very large margin.  Political correctness be damned  ... there's simply  no sugar-coating that fact.

 Calgary Transit says  it has no plans to stop wishing its riders Merry Christmas despite a minor flap over the greeting in Saskatchewan.
In Saskatoon, city council received a complaint about buses bearing the Christian message.
While that city’s councillors debated the matter briefly Monday and voted to keep the seasonal greeting, they also said they’d consider adding more multicultural messages down the road.
Here in Calgary, digital displays on buses and CTrains wish riders a Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays.
“It’s up to our drivers’ discretion. It will say Merry Christmas if they’d like it to,” said transit spokesman Ron Collins.....

....Politicians in Saskatoon have decided     to keep showing the message "Merry Christmas" on transit city buses, although they will also be showing additional messages of "Seasons Greetings" and "Happy Holidays".
The Christmas message led to a complaint from a man who said he's a non-Christian and found it offensive.
A committee of Saskatoon council considered the issue at a meeting Monday and determined that Christmas is important to a lot of people and the messages will continue to be shown....


  1. I wonder if the complainer is a shit-disturbing atheist or a religious non-Christian such as a 'devout' Muslim or for that matter, an observant Jew. Either way, don't they have something better to do and I ask that as a quiet mind-my-own-business atheist who never says 'Happy Holidays', it's always 'Merry Christmas'.
    PS: I would fall out of my chair if the complainer was Jewish. I'll bet it is a jackass atheist.

  2. The guy's name is Ashu Solo. Whatever his ethnicity... the guy is a raving atheist .... one of those who go berserk crazy when they smell Christianity ... like vampires when confronted with a cross.

    He's had similar tantrums before:

  3. My bet is right. A jackass atheist, worse still, a jackass leftist PC race card atheist.


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