Wednesday, December 26, 2012

UAE arrests terror cell

The arrested terror cell with Saudi and UAE nationals was planning a big BOOM in both Saudi Arabia and UAE according to the two countries. I am willing to go out on a limb here and presume  that most of these Saudi and UAE nationals  are Palestinians who acquired citizenship in the countries of the ME.  The Palestinians are nothing but trouble no matter which country they gain sanctuary in.  A leopard can't change its spots.

From Reuters:
Security forces in the United Arab Emirates have arrested a cell of UAE and Saudi Arabian citizens which was planning to carry out militant attacks in both countries and other states, the official news agency WAM said on Wednesday.
The U.S.-allied UAE, a federation of seven emirates and a major oil exporter that has supported Western counter-terrorism efforts in the region, has been spared any attack by al Qaeda and other insurgency groups.
But some of its emirates have seen a rise in Islamist sentiment in recent years, and Dubai, a business and tourism hub and cosmopolitan city that attracts many Westerners, could make an attractive target for Islamist militants, analysts say.

From SaudiPressAgency:
Riyadh, Safar 13, 1434, Dec 26, 2012, SPA   Commenting on a report by the United Arab Emirates that members of an organised cell of diviant group consisting of Saudi and UAE citizens who were plotting to carry out acts that would tamper with the national security of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, UAE and some brotherly countries have been detained, Major General Mansour Al-Turkey, Security Spokesman of the Ministry of Interior, lauded the achievement accomplished by the UAE, confirming that security cooperation and coordination is existing and continuing between the security concerned authorities in the two countries to reach whatever achieves the interests of the two countries and peoples.....

From IsraelNationalNews:
The United Arab Emirates announced Wednesday    that it has nabbed a cell of Saudi and Emirati members plotting terror attacks in the two countries and other states.
The suspects "imported material and equipment with the aim of committing terror acts," according to an official statement on the WAM state news agency.
The arrests came after coordination between security authorities in the two Gulf states.
“The security authorities in the UAE, in coordination with the related security parties in Saudi Arabia, announced the arrest of an organized cell from the deviant group that was planning to carry out actions against national security of both countries and some sisterly states,” WAM reported.
The suspects were described as members of the "deviant group," a term usually used in Saudi Arabia to refer to Al-Qaeda-linked Islamists.
"Security authorities acted "after confirming that those elements were plotting to jeopardize security" in the UAE, Saudi Arabia and a number of other countries, the statement said, adding that they would be put on trial.....

1 comment:

  1. Guessing that the Saudi's don't mind terror acts carried out in other countries but take exception when they are in the cross hairs. It's a case of the dog biting the hand that feeds it.


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