Monday, December 24, 2012

The Intention of the Muslim Bros is to completely rid Christians from the lands which used to be Christian lands ... that's the bottom line ....

and don't let anybody tell you anything other than that.   Of late, I am entertaining the opinion that all the  turmoil going on over there is for the sole reason of breaking up the Muslim countries into segments of Sunni-ruled, Shiite-ruled and Christian+all other minorities-ruled  tiny countries.  To enforce that kind of think  just see  the strong roles that the former colonists like the UK, France, Italy and their supporters are playing in the ongoing conflicts. Egypt and most of the area surrounding it used to be in British hands,  Libya and parts of areas surrounding it used to have a heavy influence from Italy, France had huge slices of  areas in the ME including parts of Lebanon, Syria, Tunisia and Morocco.  You name any country in that part of the world and you can pair it with one of the EU countries being their "boss" in the not too long ago past or at least being heavily influenced by one.  

Furthermore, I feel the West wants the breakup of these countries in order to better target them in future wars.  So much for all cultures and religions and beliefs being one big happy family under one big tent, eh? Anyway, that's my opinion and I am sticking to it.  

Bassem Mroue writing at AP  .... article via YahooNews:
 ..... Rebels have threated to   storm two predominantly Christian towns in central Syria if residents do not "evict" government troops they say are using the towns as a base to attack nearby areas.

A video released by rebels showed Rashid Abul-Fidaa, who identified himself as the commander of the Ansar Brigade for Hama province, calling on locals in Mahrada and Sqailbiyeh to rise up against President Bashar Assad's forces or prepare for an assault.

"Assad's gangs in the cities are shelling our villages with mortars and rockets destroying our homes, killing our children and displacing our people," said Abdul-Fidaa, who wore an Islamic headband and was surrounded by gunmen. "You should perform your duty by evicting Assad's gangs," he said. "Otherwise our warriors will storm the hideouts of the Assad gangs."

Abdul-Fidaa accused regime forces of taking positions in the two towns in order to "incite sectarian strife" between Christians and the predominantly Sunni opposition. Assad belongs to the Alawite minority sect, an off-shoot of Shiite Islam.

The threat comes just two days after a U.N. team investigating human rights abuses in Syria accused anti-Assad militants of hiding among the civilian population, triggering strikes by government artillery and the air force.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the activist group which reported the rebel ultimatum on Saturday, said such an attack by rebels could force thousands of Christians from their homes.
Russia's foreign minister, meanwhile, said that Moscow would welcome any country's offer of a safe haven to Assad, but underlined that Moscow itself has no intention of giving him shelter if he steps down.....

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