Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The extent to which Paul Magder believes in Charter of Rights and Freedoms .... so laughable !!!

Paul Magder is the main clown who is hellbent on  depriving 383501 Torontonians  of their voting rights.  We voted for Rob Ford to take the office of the mayor of the city of Toronto until 2014 but find that our rights are now being violated by a Paul Magder who was the front man  for  an Adam Chaleff-Freudenthaler who got a scumbag of a lawyer named Clayton Ruby to "officially" represent Paul Magder  "pro bono" that too (saint of a lawyer ... isn't he?) while the other vile specimen in this drama, Adam Chaleff-Freudenthaler, stayed in the shadows.  You can rest assured that there are many, many others involved in this conspiracy and as often happens with real conspiracies or fake ones.... a lot of those names will come to light as we weave our way to January 7 (the appeal date).  
Now read this  at the Govt of Canada website archives     (dealing in Copyright Acts and Laws) from  a Paul Magder  and a Fern Mosoff  which  I have copied and pasted below only in part:

Submission from Paul Magder & Fern Mosoff  received on September 10, 2001 via e-mail... the US, has gravely chilled scientists' and computer security researchers' freedom of expression around the world for fear of being prosecuted in the US, and resulted in the arrest of a Russian programmer. The CPDCI provisions, which serve no one but (largely American) corporate copyright interests, are just as over broad as those of the DMCA. 
These provisions would amend the Canadian Copyright Act to ban, with few or no exceptions, software and other tools that allow copy prevention technologies to be bypassed. This would violate the Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantee of freedom of speech, and similar guarantees in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, since such tools are necessary to exercise lawful uses, including fair use, reverse engineering, computer security research and many others. 
I urge you to remove these controversial and anti-freedom provisions from the CPDCI language. The DMCA is already an international debacle. Its flaws should not be imported and forced on Canadians.........


So laughable isn't it !!!   Paul Magder has put his name to a document that supposedly makes him come across as an individual who believes in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.   I would have thought that respecting the democratically-cast  votes  that 383501 Torontonians  gave Rob Ford  would find a tiny little bit of  space in the kind of Charter of Rights and Freedoms that Paul Magder and his wife Fern Mosoff believed in.

Hypocrites !!!

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