Monday, December 17, 2012

Should the NGOs and lawyers who shill on behalf of illegal aliens bear the legal and other costs when those illegal aliens commit crimes ?

I say a loud "YES".

...An article in the New York Post    identifies the man  (Naeem Davis) who witnesses say pushed another immigrant (Ki Suk Han) to his death in the New York subway system as bystanders watched, as a “refugee” from Sierra Leone.

Dressed in an orange jumpsuit and sandals, the somber Sierra Leone refugee kept his head down through most of the hour-long interview. Davis, 30, said he’s a devout Muslim who went to a mosque daily.....
Davis, meanwhile, immigrated to the United States in 1989 to live with his grandparents in Pennsylvania, he said.

A quick look at the 1989 ORR Annual report to Congress* tells us that no “refugees” were admitted from Sierra Leone (a largely Muslim country) that year.    If he came as he says, he could have been a family reunification case (chain migration!), or someone got him in illegally.....

1 comment:

  1. Hmm. And I thought it was some homeless wackjob. Turns out it was a devout Muslim. I feel better already.


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