Thursday, December 13, 2012

PM Harper to Opposition Leader: "Merry Christmas and Serenity Now" ..... priceless

Everybody loves Seinfeld .... even the Prime Minister of Canada.

Paige T.MacPherson writing at TorontoSun:
After a heated exchange   in Question Period Wednesday, Prime Minister Stephen Harper had a Seinfeld-inspired Twitter tip for Opposition Leader Thomas Mulcair.

Harper offered Mulcair a Christmas wish and wrote "Serenity now!" - a phrase coined in an infamous Seinfeld episode, and included a link to a short YouTube clip of the episode

In the episode, Frank Costanza misunderstood the directions from a cassette tape on how to relax, which resulted in him shouting "Serenity now!" whenever he was stressed.
Harper is reportedly a big fan of Seinfeld, and is said to reference it often.
The Prime Minister continued his joke with a follow-up tweet, in which he tags a Mulcair spoof account, @AngryTomMulcair, which pokes fun at the NDP leader's bouts of anger.......

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