Saturday, December 15, 2012

Norway's Nazi DNA on display

If you are anti-Semite and you are in a position of power in your country, then you should facilitate in  importing more and more Muslim immigrants.  They will do the dirty work on your behalf and  before you know it  your country will be free of  Jews.   Norway has done that with success.  

Dr. Bill Warner writing at Political Islam:
....Norway is Judenrein, So Who Cares?   

Earlier this year, the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten reported that the last Jews in Norway are leaving. (Judenrein is German for cleansed of Jews. Some debate whether there are a few hundred Jews are still remaining, but the problem is the same.)

It does not stop with Norway. Jews are leaving England, and Jew hatred is on the rise in France, Italy and the Netherlands. This is a huge problem that has arrived with the Islamic invasion of immigrants.

Who cares? Certainly not the Jews or the Christians of America. The progressives, secularists, the media or any other social group you can find, do not care. NO ONE CARES. And why is this news ignored? 

Because if you recognize the effect (persecution) then you must inquire about the cause of the persecution. Norway is filling up with Muslims. The cause of the recent build up of Jew hatred in Europe is Islam, and Jews and Christians do not want to touch Islam, except to bend a knee to Mohammed. This is not to say that Jews do not resist anti-Semitism, but it seems that they only attack it when it is from the Christians. Christian anti-Semitism drives Jews nuts and they will attack it with a fury. 

Why is Christian anti-Semitism unacceptable and Islamic anti-Semitism ignored? Although Christians and Jews may differ in theology, they have achieved a social unity. Most Jews have reduced the Torah to: Be Nice. In the same way most Christians have reduced their scriptures down to the same two word mantra: Be Nice. In short, if you get angry with Christians, nothing is going to happen. They will apologize and it is over. It is socially acceptable, even encouraged, to attack Christians, but any criticism of Islam is bigotry and no one, particularly a Jew, wants to be a bigot.

Normally, the “Be Nice” Christians and the “Be Nice” Jews show up at a Family of Abraham Dialogue dominated by Islam (the whole Family of Abraham idea is purely Islamic). The Nice Christians and Nice Jews smile as they listen to the Muslims tell them how the world works. Then they go home and they devote their time ignoring the destruction of Christianity and Judaism by Islam. Part of Being Nice is to be professionally ignorant of Islam’s doctrine and history.......

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