Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Aliens from Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Saturn and other planets are persecuting Christians on Earth

Gotta be those aliens from outer space ... invisible, ghostly vapors that are just a figment of  imagination in  minds of the crazy Christians, otherwise, I am sure our TV screens, newspapers and every sort of medium of communication would have been speaking about these occurrences. One can't go reporting about imaginary stuff  like ghosts and aliens torturing, raping, violating and killing Christians in Muslim lands without being labelled as nutty as  the Christians themselves ... right?

This is our new world.... Christian lives in Muslim lands are worth much, much less than the Muslim lives that the Judeo-Christian nations are bending backwards to protect.   Muslims need to be protected because they are one of a kind ... not found anywhere else in the universe  ... Christians need to be eradicated because they are just a pain in the ass.

Bill Warner's Political Islam website  keeps a catalogue of Christian persecution.  Below, just a few snippets from the long list  for a 30-day period from Oct 30-Nov 30.  There's so much on that list, I didn't have the stomach to go but to a few links.

Syria: The St. Gevorg church in Aleppo's Armenian-populated district of Nor Kyugh was set ablaze on Monday, reported Tert.am, quoting a representative of the local Armenian prelacy.
Speaking to the online paper, the spokesman, Zhirayr Reisian, confirmed that the church had become a target of rebels and that it had almost been reduced to ashes. Reisian also said that the Mesrobian Armenian school adjacent to the church has been seriously damaged, too.

Kenya: Suspected Muslim extremists hurled a grenade onto the roof of the Utawala Interdenominational Church, killing a police chaplain and injuring at least 11 others. The church, which is located inside a police compound in Garissa, serves police officers stationed at the compound as well as their families.

Egypt:  About a hundred of Muslim extremists wielding sticks and rods seized land near the S. Mina Church in the centre of Cairo. With police standing idly by, the Islamists occupied the parcel of land for more than a day and put up a sign bearing the words 'Al-Rahma Mosque'.

Pakistan:The rape and murder of Pakistan's Christian children  by Raymond Ibrahim.

Syria: The historic Arabic Evangelical Church of Aleppo, in the Jdeideh district (the old town), was mined with explosives and blown up "by armed men, for pure sectarian hatred."

Tanzania: Dozens of Christian worship places have been destroyed by Islamic extremists in Tanzania and church leaders are fleeing its heavily Muslim island of Zanzibar, as the persecution of Christians spreads throughout East Africa.

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