Thursday, November 29, 2012

What some of the 383501 Torontonians who voted for Rob Ford to take on the mandate as the mayor of their city are saying on how the Left is trying to sabotage our right to continue to enjoy the fruits of labor as given to us by the person we have voted to office. Part ONE

Yesterday, I was having a conversation with  a neighbour of mine who I believe is a  4th or 5th generation Canadian "always proud Lib voters" as he says  ... and he said something which might turn out to be truly prophetic.  He said:  "I can see that Rob Ford is liked a lot by the new immigrants to this city like yourself.... Harper should consider making him run for the Premiership of Ontario. Scary, he would win too because of  the Toronto and Mississauga immigrant vote."   Wow ... just wow !!  Imagine that .... woweeeeee !!  Think about that folks !!  Hope some lefties will fall to the floor with that thought.

Oh, by the way .... Injustice Charles Hackland was originally appointed by a crony of  Chrétien's and his latest mandate to the Superior Court of  Ontario is through the Harper appointed Governor General.  So  ... the disenfranchised 383501 voters in Toronto should now also distribute some of the blame on the Harper govt. for empowering  a judge appointed by them to burn our votes to ashes.
The following  comments are gleaned from  Christie Blatchford's article at National Post titled: Controversy grows over why  judge took ‘nuclear’ option in Rob Ford ruling.
 Many of the comments are in reply to previous comments which time does not allow me to post in full ... however,  you will get a picture of  how we the voters who elected Rob Ford to the title of His Worship  Mayor of Toronto  are feeling today and how totally mad we are growing with this situation as come a new day and we  see more and more names and history of those who plotted and planned and executed this manipulative, vile, disgusting chain of events and a judge who played into their hands.... I suspect, willingly.

TOdowntowner       So was it wrong for the Integrity Commissioner to ignore the complaints filed about Councillor Kyle Rae in using $12,000 of public money to pay for a retirement party for himself? He knew it was wrong and publicly stated so, but did it anyway. Sandra Bussin used tax dollars to pay for uniforms for sports teams in her constituency that bore her name on them. That too is against the rules but nothing was done. These were PURPOSELY done and publicly flaunted yet they got away with it.
This shows that what was done to Ford was politically motivated by the Integrity Commissioner and friends of certain councillors. I am certain that if we look further into councillors actions and activities we will find a lot of misdoing by them that go against the rules but are constantly ignored.

Fred_001     Yes - this is the point that seems to be lost in all the posturing and wailing. This circus is a sad sad commentary on the state of politics in Toronto - perhaps even in general.
Try to imagine a similar scenario in normal life. Employee Bob sends out a call for donations to fellow employees on compnay letterhead. In a normal, rational world, the boss calls him in and says "Bob, please don't use company letterhead for personal projects. Here's five bucks for your charity.", and it's over.
Only in the vicious, petty world of politics does any little transgression become inflated up ever escalating levels into an assault on democracy itself that must be sanctioned with extreme prejudice in a court.
And while the dogs tear at each other's necks, the real business they were given stewardship of goes untended. The people of Toronto should be up in arms at the priorities of some people.

dismayed71     All lot of fuss over the petty vindictiveness of one voter I don't see much integrity in Clayton Ruby acting pro bono for a small minded downtown resident. The MCIA was never meant to deal with such an issue.
Can someone explain why councillors are allowed to spend public money on a retirement party ? Surely a councillor voting for a budget which provides for the spending of public money on a personal event is also in breach of the MCIA.
Time for a report from the Integrity Commissioner.

From an article at TheGlobe&Mail by Stephanie Levitz titled Federal Tories still see ally in beleagured Toronto Mayor Rob Ford

Lord Athol Layton       Rob Ford stole nothing. He used the wrong letter head trying to help kids play football. Kyle Rea used public funds to throw himself a party, Jean Chretien used public funds to help his Liberal party, Joe Fontana ...nuff said. Yet its Ford who is kicked out of office. Nice one lefties. Well done. You've accomplished what you set out to do. Democracy has been bypassed. Ignore the will of the people who gave Ford a 4 year mandate. Obviously you know better. Democracy means nothing to the left. Its all fine and good as long as its a left wing politician in power. When a right leaning politician wins they will plot and conspire to rid him. They cant get to Harper because he's to smart for them. Unfortunatly Ford is not.

keating gun     This story fails to mention that Mayor Ford apparently has the full support of provincial conservatives who will move toward:
1) subways over LRTs, and
2. amending the Municipal Conflicts Act so that it cannot ensnare innocents if elected early in 2013.
Given that Torontonians really want subways, and are fed up with Liberal mis-spending, plus the fact that provincial Conservatives dominated ridings outside of Toronto in the last election, they are a good bet to win the next one, these are key considerations.

pokey46    I really hope this backdoor method of attaining power and subverting the electorate does not become a trend with the left whining class.

Echad     We let you rob the province blind, with your democratic vote
We let you tear down power plants and all kinds of crime, 191 million fraud bill!
Then we let you go back in power for a 2nd run at killing Canadians off!
Then you hammer a charity for donating 3K
And take out a democratically elected mayor!

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