Saturday, November 10, 2012

What have our allies-cum-enemies been up to while our attention was on the US elections ?

Photographs of the carnage and destruction  of a yet another beautiful country by the West and their cavemen allies.  I hope historians will  have the conscience to find it in their hearts to lay the blame for these wars in Muslim countries right where they rightfully belong.  This is politician-made hell for the ordinary and innocent families caught up in the conflicts of super-sized egos of the worst kind of scum found on our planet.

Jordan has stepped up its support for neighboring Syria's political and military opposition, including allowing some light arms to flow across the border, according to Syrian rebels and an Arab official familiar with the operation.
Several shipments of arms—including assault rifles, Russian-designed antitank missiles and ammunition—have been delivered to the border in Jordanian military trucks and then taken into Syria by rebel brigades, according to Syrian rebel fighters. Dozens of other shipments have been smuggled to Syria with the covert support of Jordanian border officials, these people say. Saudi Arabia and Qatar pay for these arms and transport them to Jordan......

Kurds (Turkey)
 Six of Turkey's leading Kurdish politicians     have joined hundreds of jailed militants and activists in a hunger strike now in its 60th day to call for a rebel leader to be allowed to see lawyers, one of them said.
Osman Baydemir, mayor of Diyarbakir in predominantly Kurdish southeastern Turkey, said in a statement on Saturday that he had stopped eating. Five Kurdish members of the Turkish parliament, named as Sirri Sureyya Onder, co-chair of the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) Gultan Kisanak, Aysel Tugluk, Adil Kurt, Sabahat Tuncer, were also on hunger strike, he said.

.... Turkey is disputing a new report     that names it as the world's leading jailer of journalists, with scores behind bars — ahead of Iran, China and other authoritarian states.
The Committee to Protect Journalists met with officials in Ankara this week about the problem and found them adamant that the journalists had broken criminal laws. The ongoing international attention to Turkey's treatment of the media has raised hopes that reforms could be forthcoming.

Egypt & Turkey ... best buddies .... for now.
....Turkish Prime Minister      Recep Tayyip Erdogan is due in Egypt on 17 November for talks on boosting ties between the two countries, foreign ministry spokesman Amr Roshdi said on Saturday.
He said details of the trip were agreed upon during talks in Ankara on Friday between Foreign Minister Mohamed Kamel Amr and his Turkish counterpart, Ahmet Davutoglu.
Erdogan is to be accompanied by a delegation of 12 ministers, making it “the largest in the history of diplomatic relations between the two countries,” the spokesman said in a statement received by AFP....

 ...Off a road guarded    by three police checkpoints, Bahraini lawyer Taimoor Karimi wonders about his future in a country that no longer considers him a citizen.
He and 30 other Shiites were stripped of their nationalities this week in the Gulf nation's latest attempt to crush a 21-month-old uprising against the Sunni leadership. Karimi ponders the possible loss of rights and benefits as a stateless outcast.
"I have no place to go, nowhere to go," he told The Associated Press during an interview at his home after learning of Wednesday's decision.
The kingdom revoked the citizenship of Karimi and other Shiite activists and lawyers as battles appear to be escalating on all sides in the Gulf's main Arab Spring flashpoint.....
16 yr old kid killed.      Bahraini activists claim the security police did it.  The Bahraini govt issues statement saying he was hit by a car while running across a street during a protest.

Saudi Arabia:
The new America is proud     to approve sale of almost $7 Billion of  aircraft from Lockheed Martin to  Saudi Arabia so they can in turn bestow these on the terrorists in Syria.

The bribe givers are bribe takers too.  
 ....The Department of Justice (DoJ) is investigating whether Barclays made any improper payment to win a banking license in Saudi Arabia to operate a wealth-management arm and investment bank, the Financial Times reported on Saturday, citing people familiar with the investigation.
Barclays, which has had a torrid five months after being given a record fine by U.S. and UK regulators for rigging Libor interest rates and is under investigation on several other issues, declined to comment..........

 ....During the tour Cameron    will seek to revive relations with both Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) where the UK has significant business interests in the oil industry. In addition, Britain will also seek to peddle 100 Typhoon fighter jets to both nations in a deal worth a potential US$10 billion.....

 On Thursday night     hundreds of people took to the streets of Qatif, in eastern Saudi Arabia, to mark the deaths of at least 14 people in connection with protests against the government over the past year. They denounced the authorities’ failure to investigate these deaths, as well as its continuing crackdown on activists belonging to the Shiite Muslim minority.....

 Families of detainees     demand the immediate release of the 63 human rights defenders and activists- some have had their bank accounts suspended as a result. On 8 November 2012 approximately 100 relatives of 63 detained human rights defenders and activists gathered outside the Supreme Court in Abu Dhabi calling for the immediate release of the detainees and for their right to a fair trial to be respected. This gathering was the largest to date in a number of similar gatherings, which have been taking place over the past days outside the country's highest court, as family members of those in detention call for their release.
Since the gathering took place the authorities have reportedly suspended the bank accounts of some of the detainees, their wives, children and relatives as well as of their companies, with several individuals being effected in total. It is feared that this development might cause financial complaints against the detainees and their families, besides leaving wives and children with no source of income.
In the last few days, disturbing reports of the detainees' conditions have come to light. It is alleged that they have been subjected to physical and psychological torture and are being held in solitary confinement and in cramped cells. Furthermore they have been denied access to legal representation. On 6 November 2012, the Public Prosecutor granted visitation rights to some activists and their families who were allowed to meet at the State Security Prosecution Office in the presence of officials from the Prosecutor's Office....

Ban on all protests still on.      ....“The right to peaceful assembly is enshrined in the constitution Kuwaitis will be celebrating,” said Joe Stork, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. “Authorities should lift the ban and permit people to express their views.”
Some of the rallies brought out tens of thousands of protesters, such as a “March of Dignity” on October 20 – the largest in the country’s history. The Interior Ministry justified the use of force to disperse protesters, saying that they “rioted and used violence,” “threw stones at police forces,” and “blocked traffic.” At the October 20 event, dozens of people were injured, according to news reports, including at least 11 policemen, according to the Interior Ministry.....

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