Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Wanna know more about the individuals who mercilessly shafted Canada's best mayor yesterday?

The main two individuals from the list (it's a mostly hidden list but I wish I could get my hands on it) who are responsible for turfing our Mayor from his office are from the Jewish community.  This begs the question:  What has our mayor done to the influential  Jewish lefty community of Toronto to warrant such a horrible vendetta on us the Torontonian voters whose rights to choose the  Mayor of  our choice  has now been trampled into the dust?

Everything in this shoddy episode smells of  the Jewish left and this will go down in the history of Toronto as such....unless a Leftish Jew is writing that history.   So ... it's not just the Muslims waging lawfare when they don't get what they want or to take revenge on an individual they don't like  .... it's the Jews too.  Live and learn, eh?!

Toronto resident, Paul Magder of the Jewish community, brought the lawsuit against the mayor.  Magder is, or used to be a furrier with a retail shop in downtown Toronto.

He was represented by Toronto lawyer Clayton Ruby,  a Jewish lefty whose views on "refugees" and Canada's treatment of them is laid out in an article at the Globe&Mail   here,  an article he is credited with along with two others, and at least one of them, Bernie Farber, is known to be a leftie of  some importance.

Here's the suit    Paul Magder brought against Rob Ford on March 9, 2012.

 Here's the suit Paul Magder brought against the Province of  Ontario in 1983 to fight against the Retail Business Holiday Act (He wanted to keep his furrier business open on Sundays)
Update: (I am told that this is  a different Paul Magder and not connected to Rob Ford.)  And it sure is the case as per the below link :

Paul Magder is not as "mild mannered soft spoken" as some of the articles since yesterday are purporting him to be.  Not by a loooooonng mile.  He is well versed in filing suits, going by the evidence of  just the two above. How many more out there ?  Your guess is as good as mine.

Here's a pic of the Paul Magder who deprived us of our mayor  alongside  his lawyer Clayton Ruby.  Ruby is the one with his mouth open to catch any flies buzzing around.

Another entity involved in harrasing Rob Ford... is George Foulidis   a small businessman who brought a libel suit against the mayor, claiming that he called him  "corrupt".

Christie Blatchford, one of the very few "true" journalists in Canada has this to say about the issue at the NationalPost on Nov.14:
...And in the second,   the evidence at trial pretty convincingly showed Mr. Ford never uttered the word corrupt, didn’t know the businessman, that his obsession was with the deal in question — oh, and that George Foulidis, the maligned businessman, is sitting very pretty indeed with a genuinely controversial untendered 20-year sweetheart lease with the city that gives him exclusive rights to sell food, drink and souvenirs for the vast eastern beach. 
In the conflict-of-interest case, the lawyer pushing the complaint forward, representing a citizen reportedly pro bono, was Clay Ruby. 
In the $6-million libel trial, Mr. Foulidis had two lawyers representing him — Gary Caplan, who once represented Mr. Foulidis’s father in court, and Brian Shiller, one of Mr. Ruby’s partners. 
This stunning coincidence — that of all the law firms in this lawyer-thick city, two of the three holding Mr. Ford’s feet to the fire in the courts are from the same activist firm – was actually addressed by Mr. Shiller in his opening submission. 
“Mr. Ford’s office has made statements in the press that this case is about politics,” he said. “They have gone so far as to suggest that my law firm has some sort of agenda to attack Mayor Ford. 
“This case is not about politics, and my firm seeks to represent its client with the sole purpose of putting forward his legitimate claim. Suggestions to the contrary are nothing more than baseless rhetoric.”.............
So .... there you have it folks.  This is the kind of  stuff that we can readily find via the internet on just three of the countless lefty individuals with  fully exposed and sharpened claws who went after the mayor of the City of Toronto and in so doing also set afire and turned to ashes our votes for him.

An honest man has been turfed and the Left are blowing their horns about how "when you break the rules there's a price to be paid".  Fucking hypocrites.

As for Justice Charles Hackland who ruled that  our rightly elected mayor is given 14 days to vacant his seat ....I have no inkling whatsoever  how he had the powers to disenfranchise 383501 Torontonians  who voted Rob Ford to be our mayor .... because by doing what he did to our mayor he ruled against us too.

Justice in Canada ... Lefty-style !!


  1. Different Paul Magder !!

    1. What a total setup.

      Adam Chaleff-Freudenthaler.

      He was the man that actually realized the "mistake" Rob Ford made. This is the guy who rang the alarm. Trouble is Mr. Adam Chaleff-Freudenthaler is considered by many as a text book example of a "vexatious litigant".

      That is the primary reason Adam was not the guy in court with Mr. Ruby. Instead Adam nominated Paul Magder as the "front man" for the legal challenge. Paul funded one of Adams political adventures in the past and agreed.

      The Applicant, Paul Madger. is a current VP of Iris Power,and has deep business connections with those who run the troubled Ontario Power Generation. He is certainly connected to many of Rob Ford's political enemies at both civic and provincial levels.

      Lawyer Clayton Ruby's gracious act of charity of working "Pro Bono" is balanced by his business partner, Brian Shiller, LLB who is in current civil litigation seeking $6 million in damages for client George Foulidis from Rob Ford.

      The suit for George Foulidis will almost certainly go to appeal and now this judgement offers a slam dunk for Ruby Shiller when that occurs.

      From the perspective of a lay person, the legal tag team smells as bad as the Woodbine Beach deal

  2. Extremely manipulative !! If this is not a conspiracy against an honest man by a gang of crooks, then I don't know what is.
    We HAVE TO fight back. Enough is enough. We have to name names and bring a transparency to this deplorable state of affairs.
    What I find more complex to understand is how an Ontario Supreme Court judge let the lawyer get the better of him. He must have known that by ruling against the mayor he was ruling against the hundreds of thousands of Torontonians who voted him in. Did he not care? What kind of a man is he? Is he obligated to Clayton Ruby and his law firm for some reason. I hope some whistle blower from Ruby's office comes forward with any dirt that connects the judge to the law firm ... that will give us a nice roasted goose.

    There are lots of instances where a judge might have kids or nephews, nieces who intern for law firms downtown and the judges feel that they "owe" the lawyers from those firms "something". Anything is possible with any man once that man takes a wrong turn. Now that would be a true "conflict of interest" ... if there is a whiff of something like that in the air around the Ruby & associates law offices.


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