Saturday, November 17, 2012

USA and UK in Afghanistan covers up report exposing dangers of "insider attacks"

Political Correctness is the only real victor in modern day wars .... whether big or small.   Thousands are dying on the battlefields in Muslim lands because we are more concerned about the  fucking sensitivities of murderous cavemen than the lives of  our own soldiers.   Not only do they suppress the report, these traitors send the author, a behavioural scientist,  packing .... for telling the truth.

Sean Rayment, Defence Correspondent reporting:

 ... A damning report exposing the causes of a surge in “insider attacks” by Afghan troops was suppressed by military commanders, The Telegraph has learnt.

But the report, from Dr Jeffrey Bordin, an American behavioural scientist, was declared secret, and he was removed from his job and forced to leave Afghanistan.

Since the report was produced, a third of British casualties have been the result of so-called green on blue attacks, with 12 soldiers shot dead by the Afghan police or army in Helmand province this year.....

....The report contained a series of warnings about the risk from Afghan forces to their western allies. It said that attacks were not “isolated incidents”, as had been suggested by both British and US commanders, but were part of a worsening trend.

It added that the attacks were the result of a “crisis of trust” between Afghan and Nato troops that was not being acknowledged by senior commanders.

Days after the report was published, in May last year, Dr Bordin’s research was roundly criticised by the military and the document was classified “Secret”.

Dr Bordin was removed from his job as a “Red Team Leader”, at the head of a research group formed to find weaknesses in military plans, and told to leave Afghanistan, where he had spent four years working for Nato.

Senior officers at the International Security and Assistance Force (Isaf) described the document’s findings as “inconsistent with our assessment”, and said that the study was “was systematically flawed and suffered from generalisations, narrow sample sets, unprofessional rhetoric, and sensationalism”......

.....Dr Bordin strongly criticised the decision to keep it secret.
“That was the height of immoral behaviour,” he said.
“I have knowledge that can help save American lives and I was ordered not to give that information out to another military entity....

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