Saturday, November 17, 2012

The sham of the West is showing

Pretty good analysis.  Emphasis mine.

Boutros Hussein and Lee Jay Walker writing at ModernTokyoTimes:
.....Israel, however, is neither a puppet    of Washington or Sunni Islamist states which are supporting sectarianism and terrorism against Syria. Also, no nation in the world would want to be a neighbor of the FSA Islamists given their systematic barbarity and persecution of religious minorities. The conflict against Libya is also further evidence to Israel that outside nations are creating “a brutal hornet nest” by giving Sunni Islamists and Salafists a new lease of life. Not only this, after the brutal massacres of Gaddafi loyalists and black Africans by the rebels in Libya who were supported by NATO and Gulf states; then this was followed with the destabilization of northern Mali and the destruction of Sufi shrines in both nations. Obviously, Mali and Israel are very different in military terms but it is clear that Islamists are getting closer to Israel and this is happening “under the watch” of Washington, London and Paris.....

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