Saturday, November 17, 2012

Terror Train's next stop .... Jordan

The Caliphate is on a land grabbing spree ..... with solid help from the Judeo-Christian countries.

Thousands of demonstrators chanted  the Arab Spring slogan "the people want the downfall of the regime" in Jordan on Friday, although a day billed as the culmination of three days of protests passed off largely in peace.

Jordan has so far largely avoided the unrest that has swept across the Middle East over the past two years, but a decision this week to raise fuel prices led to the demonstrations.
The mainly urban Muslim Brotherhood announced on Friday it was joining the protests, lending the voice of the country's largest opposition movement to demonstrations which had previously been focused on rural and tribal areas.

Friday's protest near the main Husseini Mosque in downtown Amman was peaceful, with unarmed police separating the demonstrators denouncing King Abdullah from a smaller crowd chanting in support of the monarch.

"Go down Abdullah, go down," the main crowd of about 3,000 protesters chanted as police, some in riot gear, largely stayed away from crowd.
"Raising prices is like playing with fire," said one banner.

Abdullah cancelled a visit to London he had been due to make next week, Britain's Foreign Office said, without giving further details.

U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton phoned the monarch and backed his efforts to accelerate political reforms in the kingdom and implement economic reforms, a palace statement said..
A friend of the West, the monarch is seen by many Jordanians as a bulwark of stability, balancing the interests of native tribes and the increasingly assertive Palestinian majority....

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