Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Quotable quotes from the wonderful world of free speechers ... Part 23

Rex Murphy, Canadian,  CBC TV personality, writer, journalist

"Those clod poles, ne’er-do-wells, vandals, punks, thugs and assorted clueless dolts who smacked people around, piled on others, fought with and sought to injure police, set fire to cars, broke into stores, trashed and looted at will in Vancouver last night – are all a pathetic pack of cowardly destructive losers. An older generation, not bent by the winds of political correctness would rightly have called them the scum of the earth."

"To be a serious Christian in modern Western culture is to be the favoured easy target of every progressive thinker and every half-witted comedian. It is to have your sensibilities and your deepest beliefs on perpetual call for taunts, mockery and desecration. At a time when all progressives preach full volume for inclusivity and sensitivity, for the utmost care in speech when speaking of others with differing views or hues, Christians, as Christians, are under a constant hail of abuse and disregard. There is nothing too low or too vulgar."

On Obama and the Press
 "They glided past his pretensions — when did a presidential candidate before “address the world” from the Brandenberg Gate in Berlin? They ignored his arrogance — “You’re likable enough, Hillary.” And they averted their eyes from his every gaffe — such as the admission that he didn’t speak “Austrian.” "

"For I really don’t want the courts — or their illegitimate human rights commission cousins — to get any further into the business of telling us what’s offensive and what is not, and fining people for speaking their minds."

"The death of an ambassador, the storming of the consulate, the actual attack itself, got drowned in the fever of denunciation about a 14-minute film.
Innocence of Muslims, in the view of everyone from Barack Obama, to Hillary Clinton, to Susan Rice, the US Ambassador to the UN, was one of the most contemptible and vile sets of moving images ever to convey images and sound.
And yet, here in the West, mocking the fervour of religious “believers” (Christians, especially) is almost an official sport in entertainment and artistic circles — from Saturday Night Live to shows that are actually funny. And so the outrage and unction of Hillary and Obama on this file simply didn’t ring true."

"It’s one of the unglamorous but efficient virtues of our federation that — usually — we manage to keep our fractiousness on low boil. A well-cultivated taste for moderation and a reasonable middle way is justly lauded as an element of the Canadian character."

“As long as one Newfoundlander wants to harvest one seal, to make a flipper pie, or to use the pelt to make one of those splendid sealskin hats – on with the Hunt! Doing otherwise would be a surrender of our character as Newfoundlanders, and an apology for the rigorous and demanding way of life we have known, and which has earned us tenure here for half a millennium.”

"But there is no virtue in pursuing a process you otherwise despise, in imitating the grievance hunters and professional rights’ collectors. A real man can take what is passed out — verbally or otherwise — without running behind the judicial skirts."

“The manner of politicians, their mode of dealing with each other, is another fertile source of weariness and cynicism.“

“Riots should not be written-off as pranks. Mayhem shouldn't be passed over as the actions of a violent few. Tearing the heart out of a city, ripping up its stores, despoiling its reputation and setting its citizens for a while in a state of fear - should draw the just, angry and full attention of the state. Those who riot should learn the hard way that it's not a free game. That their violence and lawlessness isn't a freebie – they have to pay for it.“

On Israel Apartheid Week
“It is an inverted moral calculus that tries to persuade the world to demonize one state that tries its civilized best to abide in a difficult time and place, and rides merrily by the examples and practices of dozens of states and leaderships that drop into brutality every day without a twinge of regret or a whisper of condemnation.“

On Dalton McGuinty
"But something else may be going on. People’s contempt for actions of this sort may be so deep that for a while it remains unspoken. Arrogance and self-interest on this level leaves most normal people speechless. They resign themselves to the sleaziness and corruption of the game. They learn to quietly despise politics. At that point, in a democracy, all are losers. And make no error: It was the Ontario Liberals this time, but once in power, every party, from the Tories to the Greens, is capable of acting in the same way."

On Affirmative Action
“Everybody acting like affirmative action hires are something to be ashamed of and denied, something rudely pushed aside as unthinkable, is baffling. In every other context, affirmative action and its attendant policies and protocols are looked upon as the secular world’s highest forms of public virtue. Companies and institutions boast about their so-called equity policies and minority placements. Does not every university, in every hire, on every bulletin board, and in every online notice — spell out every so proudly that applications from minorities and special groups will be given “special” attention, or are specifically urged to hire. Does this not right historical wrongs? Is this not part of enriching the educational experience?
And yet, any suggestion that a particular individual may have benefitted from these wonders of our modern age is treated as a slap in the face to said individual. How can a policy be a triumph in enactment but an insult in execution?“

On Harper and company
“For a much-disciplined crew, they can be sloppy. Which, at least from one perspective, is curious. This government shows much better out of country than in. Harper is an impressive performer at international events. He has a relaxed manner, a sureness of touch and statement, and a sense of ease we rarely see when he gets back home. Harper abroad, however much it wounds his enemies to acknowledge it, is an impressive Prime Minister.“

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