Thursday, November 1, 2012

Quotable quotes from the wonderful world of free speechers ... Part Thirteen

Brian    Lilley,  Canadian Journalist, Author and TV host  

"The United Nations is lecturing Canada again by throwing stones while standing naked in their living room."

"Doctors aren’t crazy about politicians telling them how to do their jobs so politicians should be just as wary of doctors trying to do theirs. The Ontario Medical Association has come out with a list of recommendations to fight childhood obesity and it includes taxes, bans and graphic warning labels."

"Of course there are plenty of people in this country who would like us to forget our history, forget our heritage and live the same downtown uber-urban latte-sipping lifestyle that they do. But that’s not for me and chances are it’s not for you."

"I am the father of four kids. They all eat healthy and making sure they do is the responsibility of myself and their mother. I do not need the nanny state to watch what they eat, restrict what they can buy and levy unaffordable taxes on what should be treats."

"The world is being turned upside down and our public servants now think we work for them and are keen to take orders."

"When did government get big enough to tell churches and families what moral lessons they could teach? Canadians need to become more skeptical of government and push back against this encroachment in our lives.We need to reassert that we are a free people, that they work for us and not the other way around."

"Radical animal activists aren’t happy to live and let live — they want to push their view of the world on everyone else."

"We need to continue having frank and open discussions about immigration even if it makes the people at the top uncomfortable."

"The problem is not all countries consider honour killings murder. Some countries effectively allow this practice, either by calling them accidents or suicides, or by not spending much time or energy prosecuting the perpetrators or giving them laughably mild sentences when they do bother to prosecute them."

"The Liberals are big on values these days as they try to rebuild but what those values say about them is a bit puzzling. They appear to favour choice when it comes to abortion and killing unborn children but oppose choice for farmers that want to sell their wheat to the customer of their choosing."

"...when government has grown to the point of providing for every want and need of the citizenry, you have to ask whether the people are still free or are they subjects."

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