Monday, November 19, 2012

Plans to send troops to Syria will be the end of UK's Cameron

If he thinks the British voters are going to forgive him for yet another stupid mistake (so soon after Libya) he is one mighty stupid Conservative.  Conservative leaders are forgetting one very glaring fact .... the kind of conservatism they were taught is no longer carrying any weight with the new generation of Conservative immigrants who are now making up the bulk of the voting mass .... and an honest survey of those potential Conservative voters will show that they don't want the West interfering in the civil wars of Muslim countries.

.....British troops 'may be flown to Syria',  head of armed forces admits. British troops could be sent to Syria in the event of a major humanitarian crisis, the head of the armed forces has admitted.

Any intervention would be 'limited' and needed the support of people inside Syria, he said.
But it would be seen as a potential step towards a full-scale military intervention bringing British forces directly into conflict with the regime of president Bashar al-Assad.

'It would be a huge effort. We would be very cautious about it,' the chief of the defence staff told the BBC.
'There is no ultimately military reason why one shouldn't and I know that all these options are quite rightly being examined. But we are some way off.'........

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