Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Persecution of Christians in Syria sanctioned by the USA, UK, France and others

How willingly and eagerly the supposedly Judeo-Christian nations are sending the Syrian Christians to their death has to be seen to be believed.  The taqiyyah masters are playing these nations with silken fingertips and the  nincompoop leaders of the West think they are in full control of everything. The blueprint they have in their hands is an optical illusion and the real McCoy is under lock and key of the Muslim Brotherhood aka Saudi Arabia aka the Caliphate.

Germany is one nation that is seeing the plight of the Syrian Christians for what it is and has been taking in refugees from the most affected Christian areas of Syria.   In the vid below the reporter says that "many Christians, Jews and others" live in Syria.  That is not true of the Jews.  In 2003 there were fewer than 100 Jewish Syrians and by now there might not be even half a dozen Syrian Jews living in Syria.

...The woman said her family  had warned against efforts to track down the priest’s killers in case of retaliation, adding that her mother was still traumatised by the sight of the disfigured face of the clergyman whose body she had prepared for burial.

She said the family were devastated by the killing of the priest who was in the same class at a school with her brother and who had taught her at the local Sunday school.

The fate is unknown of the kidnapped Christian dentist, whose freedom Fr Haddad had tried to secure.
A ransom of up to 50 million Syrian pounds (US$700,000) had been requested for the dentist’s release.
The ransom reportedly rose to 750 million Syrian pounds after the abduction of the priest and the dentist’s father-in-law who was travelling with the cleric when they were kidnapped. The latter’s fate is also unknown.
Stressing the fear for Christians in Syria, the woman said: “I cannot sleep at night. Whenever I call my family and I can’t get through, I immediately start fearing the worst. I feel I am living a nightmare every day.”
She described how her niece had a lucky escape when a bomb went off in Damascus last month opposite her school. Fortunately, she was at home that day.

She said that many Christians and others had tried to leave but there had been a clampdown on visas to neighbouring countries.....

Germany debates help  for Syrian Christians. In Syria, the Christian minority was long left in peace by the Assad regime – but they are between the front lines in the civil war. Germany is considering offering them a safe haven.
Germany taking in Syrian Christians – it would be an act of humanity. This is how the chairman of Chancellor Merkel’s conservative Christian Democrats’ parliamentary group, Volker Kauder, described it to the “Frankfurter Allgmeine Zeitung” daily. Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich agreed in the newspaper to grant refuge to Syrian Christians, because they face “persecution of the highest order.”

Christians have lived in the area of modern Syria since their religion came into being about two thousand years ago. The Syrian Orthodox Church is one of the oldest churches. Some of the faithful still speak Aramaic, the language of Jesus. Christians have always played a clear role in the present-day Syrian Arab Republic. In the 1940s, for example, the country had a Christian prime minister, Faris al-Churi....

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