Friday, November 30, 2012

Part TWO: What some of the 383501 Torontonians who voted for Rob Ford to take on the mandate as the mayor of their city are saying on how the Left is trying to sabotage our right to continue to enjoy the fruits of labor as given to us by the person we have voted to office.

The entire stuff below is what  I myself,  as someone who voted for Rob Ford. is saying:

One more name to add to the gang of far-left in Toronto, a far left that is filled to the brim with some of the leftest  Left from the Canadian Jewish community.  Besides Paul Magder and Clayton Ruby  we have a Adam Chaleff-Freundenthaler.

Toronto is a city bustling with fairly new immigrants from China, India,  South Korea,  Philippines, Pakistan, Bangladesh,  Sri Lanka, the Caribbean, the Middle East and countries from that region.  Almost all these immigrants have arrived here on family status.  Almost all these countries (exception is the Caribbean) believe in strict family values .... meaning marriage +  children not children without marriage.  A heavy percentage of the immigrant communities are also anti-abortion and anti-gay.  To almost all the immigrants, religion is very important.  The main religions of the new immigrants:  Catholicism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism.

Two years ago, when Rob Ford won the mayoral race by an impressive margin, the Left was very much surprised.  They never expected someone who didn't look like a model,  someone who was not very articulate, someone who was a bad dresser, someone who was far too fat ... had won.   And, had won by more than 90,000 votes.  What they failed to understand, and still don't and never will .... is so simple that it is apparent to only those of us who believe in true family values.... and never to those who think family values don't matter in elections.  Rob Ford's opponent  was George Smitherman, a gay man married to  another man and they had an  adopted child and the media in Toronto  was full of  sugary stories about this  "family" and went to all pains to tell us how natural  this was.   The immigrant voters didn't think so. That and the fact that Rob Ford was a "family man"  in the true sense of the word and he spoke in  bursts of  short  fast sentences like did the immigrants, endeared this man to all of us... and still do very much.

The Left never forgave nor forgot what they thought was their rightful right.... the right to have George Smitherman the gay guy as a mayor of this immigrant city.   They can't understand how and why the city's demographics have changed all of a sudden and changed against them.  If a horribly failed Liberal premier of Ontario in the person of Dalton McGuinty can get the immigrant vote why not Smitherman.  Dear Lefties ... Smitherman is not only gay, he is also Jewish.  Most Muslims, even if many of them tend towards the Left, they would still think more than twice before voting  for  a Jewish man .  For the other religious immigrants, the "gay" thing would surely stand in the way.

From day one of Rob Ford taking on the mantle as the  Mayor of Toronto,  the supporters of Smitherman and the far left have gone on the attack against one of the best mayors this city has ever had.   They think they have succeeded to boot him out of the office to which we the voters voted him to ... but they have very badly undermined the power of the immigrant vote, the changing demographics and the power of the immigrant voice in the city of Toronto.

Mayor Rob Ford said that what's happening to him is  a Left-wing conspiracy.   I will go further, because I am an immigrant who is immune to the dreaded disease of political correctness which is ravaging the West, and call this what it is:  This is a Canadian-Jewish Left-wing conspiracy....let's not make any bones about that glaring fact.

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