Monday, November 12, 2012

Our favorite ally have preachers who torture and kill their 5-yr old daughters

We are known to walk, talk, eat and even sleep with the best of the best of the bastards.  That's us, the Judeo-Christian nations committing suicide while criticizing euthanasia on the one hand but  holding a gun to our temples with the other.   The countries that practice apartheid as  part of their civic duty are our most trusted  and esteemed allies.  Try solving that puzzle!

Saudi authorities have detained a preacher  who tortured to death his five-year-old daughter, a newspaper reported on Monday. 
The Okaz daily reported that the man, described as a “prominent” religious scholar who often preaches on numerous satellite television channels, was transferred to the general prosecution for questioning. 
Saad al-Qahtani, spokesman for the directorate of health affairs in Riyadh, told Okaz that the medical report of the girl Lamaa would be given to the “concerned parties.”

Lamaa breathed her last breath in an intensive care unit of a hospital in the Saudi capital Riyadh a few days ago, after weeks of suffering from broken arms, a skull fracture and head bruises, her mother told Al Arabiya.
“He used all sorts of torture and abuse against Lamaa,” the girl’s mother said, now divorced from her brutal husband......

Even worse, the bastard will get off scot free. The savages in Saudi Arabia  are already reporting that he suffers from a "psychological condition".  What a great excuse to get away after doing everything evil under the sun.

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