Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Major Stephen Coughlin's lecture on Saudi Arabian literature flooding the West ....

textbooks and jihadi books which are so very transparent about what's going on but those walking the halls of power prefer to ignore the clear and present danger.

This important lecture runs into several hours and I am only about half way into it and find whatever I have heard so far to be very enlightening. The vid  was posted to YouTube in late August 2012.  Watch it and do your bit to stop islamization of the West by getting at least one other person to watch it and requesting that person to enlighten one other and so on and so on.  The MSM is in cahoots with the enemy, only individuals like us who care about this issue can make others aware of the danger to our freedom.

part 2        
part 3  
part 4  
part 5  

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