Friday, November 30, 2012

Justice in Canada fails to Respect Democracy: More on the continuing saga of how an unelected judge played into the hands of the rabid Left in Toronto and ruled to turf our mayor from a mandate that we the 383501 Toronto voters had voted him to

Please visit  RESPECT DEMOCRACY and sign your support   here.

Lots of noise today about Injustice Charles Hackland trying to clarify his ruling and saying Rob Ford can stand as a candidate in a by-election.  We the voters don't want clarifications, we want a total and complete repeal of the ruling.

We don't want a by-election.  Why and for  what  do we need one?   Do we have millions of dollars to spare for a by-election which is a total waste because we know what the outcome will be ?  We have already cast our vote 2 years ago in an  election for a mayor and that incumbent is in his office and we the voters  expect him to continue to hold that  office until 2014.  No  judge who is disrespectful of voters rights and disrespectful of  Democracy itself  can deprive us of  what is rightfully ours.  Our chosen mayor is Rob Ford and he will  hold that mandate until the time comes around for the next mayoral race.  

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