Friday, November 30, 2012

Judeo-Christian nations are paying this terrorist's salary ... enjoy the show

because  as our tax dollars are going to these  monsters, we get  to see a horror reality as it unfolds ... whether we like it or not.  Our betters have taken the decision out of our hands, so we might as well lock up our conscience and enjoy the gore.  Syria is our enemy, our politicians have said so  ... and ours is not to question why.  Obey and be damned.

from Reuters:
 New footage posted     on the Internet appears to have been filmed by a Syrian rebel who points the camera along the barrel of his gun as he shoots 10 unarmed prisoners.

The video, posted on YouTube on Thursday, shows 10 men wearing t-shirts and camouflage trousers lying face down next to a building and a lookout tower. Even before the shooting, two of the men are not moving and one has blood coming from his torso.

"I swear to God that we are peaceful," begs one of the men to the camera, which is being held by the gunman. Cowering, the man gets up to plead with rebels. As he approaches a rebel off-screen, a shot is heard and he returns holding his bloodied arm.

The cameraman then points the camera along the barrel of his Kalashnikov assault rifle as he shoots the men.
"God is great. Jabhat al-Nusra," he says, referring to the secretive al-Nusra Front, an Islamist rebel unit linked to al Qaeda that has claimed responsibility for several suicide bomb attacks around the country...........

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