Friday, November 9, 2012

Is the new America supplying Syrian terrorists with Stinger missiles?

Yup !   What if the terrorists fire these at civilian aircraft and hundreds of innocent passengers are killed?  So what?!!  As long as Assad is overthrown and Al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood under the auspices of Saudi Arabia and Qatar with their dreaded wahhabism are entrenched in the new Syria, all's okay.  The end justifies the means.  Look no further than Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq  for the shining examples of what a new Syria under the Muslim Bros will look like.  Why can't Assad see how good it will all be for Syria and make himself and his "regime" vamoose or get raped and killed like Gadhafi or just give up and rot in prison like the good ex-leader of Egypt,  Mustafa??  It's for the good of the Syrian people .... a la American style ... can't he see that?

...Russia has asserted that Syrian rebels   acquired scores of U.S.-origin surface-to-air missiles.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the Sunni revolt against President Bashar Assad has acquired more than 50 Stinger shoulder-fired air defense systems.  
During a visit to Amman on Nov. 6, Lavrov said the Stingers would threaten civil aviation throughout the Levant.

“Those who are supplying arms to the opposition are delivering systems that are not intended for defense,” Lavrov said. “There is confirmed information that on Syrian territory there are over 50 Stingers.”

In remarks reported by Russia’s Interfax news agency, Lavov did not cite a source for his assertion. The foreign minister said he envisioned Sunni rebels using the Stingers for attacks on civilian targets.

“You know perfectly well what Stingers are intended for, all the more so that the leaders of the [rebel] Syrian Free Army have repeatedly said that civilian planes will be a legitimate target,” Lavrov said..........

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