Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Iran is involved in Israel / Gaza conflict ... no more denying it now

There !!  It's out in the open.   As we suspected, Iran is arming Israel's enemies and this, plus what's going on in Syria and Yemen are actually proxy wars between Iran and Iran's supporters against  a combination of several nations.  If this is not a recipe for World War III,  I don't know what is.  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!

From RT has this at their Israel and Gaza report updates:
Nov. 21, 15:17 GMT: Iran has confirmed    it sent military aid to Hamas. Tehran is “proud to defend the people of Palestine and Hamas,” Iranian speaker of parliament Ali Larijani said in a statement on parliament’s website, without elaborating. Iran has also provided “technical assistance” to Hamas and shared with them the technology for the longer-range ‘Fajr 5’ missiles, General Mohammad Ali Jafari, head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard said. However, Iran has not directly shipped missiles to Gaza, he said.

From SouthChinaMorningPost:
Iran has supplied military aid to the Islamist group Hamas in Gaza locked in a conflict with Israel during which it has fired missiles at Tel Aviv for the first time, the parliament speaker said on Wednesday.
“We are proud to defend the people of Palestine and Hamas ... and that our assistance to them has been both financial and military,” Ali Larijani said without elaborating, in remarks reported by parliament’s website,
Iran has never made a secret of its support for Israel’s foes Hamas and the Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip but generally eschews mention of sending military aid.
The Jewish state has accused Iran of supplying Hamas with its Fajr 5 missile, used to target Tel Aviv since an Israeli offensive on Gaza was launched on November 14.
Iran’s Revolutionary Guards chief General Mohammad Ali Jafari said on Wednesday that Tehran was only responsible for having shared the missile’s “technology.”
Jafari said: “Iran provides technical assistance to all Muslims who fight against world arrogance,” a term used by Iranian officials to describe the West and Israel, the ISNA news agency reported.
The Fajr 5 missiles launched at Tel Aviv “have not been delivered from Iran, but their technology has,” Jafari said, adding that the missiles were being “rapidly produced” in Gaza.
The Fajr 5 rocket can hit targets up to 75 kilometres away, a far greater range than the home-produced Qassam rockets used in the past by Palestinian militants in Gaza to target Israel.
A key backer of Hamas, Iran has stepped up calls for Gazans to be “armed to defend” themselves and urged the Muslim world to retaliate against Israel for its bombardment of the Palestinian territory that has cost around 135 lives.
Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Wednesday upped the stakes by criticising “governments of Islamic, and particularly Arab, countries in the region” for failing to deliver an appropriate response to the Gaza crisis......

From TehranTimes
Iranian Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani   has said that Iran takes pride in providing military assistance to the people of Gaza.  
Larijani made the remarks in an address to MPs during a symbolic demonstration on the campus of the parliament’s building held to express solidarity with the Palestinians, who are under attack from Israel.   
Iran is proud of defending the Palestinian people including Hamas and will continue to help Palestine at difficult times, Larijani said, adding, “We are proud that our assistance was material and military in nature.” ....


  1. Off topic a bit but a couple of days ago, on CNN, they showed a clip of a conscious Gaza Muslim woman(she was good looking-how do I know that?) who was sitting upright buried up past her waist in bricks and debris from a bombing. The rescue worker there to dig her out spent at least a minute fussing over trying to put her head covering back on before starting to dig her out. Now what does that tell you about their crazed mindset?

  2. Wow !! Reminds me of the incident in Saudi Arabia where a girls' school caught fire and the poor kids tried to run out without their veils and the religious police pushed them back into the flames where several died.
    I am gonna hunt around to see if I can find a clip of the scene you saw.

  3. That even a better example of their crazed mindset, the school girls incident.
    Yet not much outrage was voiced on the news about that it seems.

    Good luck on trying to find that news clip, there are just so many clips of poor blasted Gazans.


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