Sunday, October 7, 2012

Why Atheists think most Catholics are stark raving lunatics

And, I for one, agree with them almost every time.

Saw the movie "The Rite"   a few days ago and then read up on prime loon, Fr. Gary Thomas of California.  The book, "The Rite: The Making of a Modern Exorcist" by Matt Baglio was the inspiration  for  the movie.  The idiot Father Thomas is supposed to be a "Certified exorcist" by decree of the Roman Catholic Church.  Yup, he is "certified" alright!!    A "Certified Lunatic"  who should be locked up or defrocked before he pollutes the minds  of young people around him.

Why does the Catholic church work so hard at ridiculousness ?   If only it put half that effort into getting Catholic sluts and studs to appreciate the sacrament of marriage and not have kids out of wedlock ... now that would be doing a whole lot of good.

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