Thursday, October 25, 2012

The tricks of the Muslim Brotherhood

I hope Israel is not falling for this taqiyyah from Morsi and the  members of his brotherhood of evil.  This is an attempt by the conniving crooks to make Israel and the world think that the "brothers" at the top are very nice and reasonable folks and they desire friendship and  peace with Israel,  but ... hey look you can't really blame them for some bad apples like the kind found in any other organization and don't go generalizing the entire Muslim Brotherhood because of those few bad apples.  Israel .... I hope you are not swallowing this load of crap from the MB.  

An Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood official resigned in protest against a cordial letter sent by Egypt’s President Mohammed Morsi to his Israeli counterpart, and urged Morsi to resign for his “treason” in sending it.

Ahmad Hamrawi, former secretary general of the lawyers’ association in Alexandria and a founder of Morsi’s Freedom and Justice party, left the Muslim Brotherhood following publication of the letter of credence sent by Morsi to his Israeli counterpart Shimon Peres on the occasion of the arrival of Egypt’s new ambassador to Israel, Atef Salem, on October 17.....

.....President Morsi has come under harsh criticism both in Egypt and in the Arab world following his letter to Peres, first published by The Times of Israel.</a>

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