Saturday, October 6, 2012

The ongoing sad saga of the Standing Committee on Immigration & Citizenship's disgraceful and hateful behaviour towards Canadians' fundamental right to Freedom of Speech

I am glad to see that  many Canadian citizens are appalled at the totally horrendous treatment that the  NDP's Jinny Sims and other committee members meted out to  Madi and Julien Lassier of the  CIReport.  In my opinion, NDP MP Jinny Sims should have the decency to resign and the Conservative MP Chungsen Leung should  send a written apology to the  Lussiers.  Anything less is an affront to all fair-minded Canadians.

 Alex Kurtagic  writing at CIReport
Is It a Liberal Value to Silence Opposition?  Back in June, the organisers of the Canadian Immigration Report (CIR) were invited to appear as witnesses before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration to present arguments in support of Bill C-31, also known as the Protecting Canada’s Immigration System Act. The bill, sponsored by the Minister of Citizenship, Immigration, and Multiculturalism, Jason Kenney, is aimed at introducing important changes in the refugee system in order to cut down the number of bogus claims. The CIR witnesses were scheduled to make a ten-minute opening presentation and answer questions from Committee members of the rest of the hour.

After being rescheduled six times, the meeting was finally to take place on Wednesday 26 September. The following day, the CIR reported:
We made the long drive to Parliament Hill and just a moment after entering the meeting room, a clerk informed us that our time had been given to someone else and that we were not to appear before the committee.After leaving the room, journalists who were already apprised of the situation informed us that the topic of our presentation was deemed inappropriate and had several screen captures of our website on hand.

It seems the Liberal and New Democratic Party (NDP) members of the Committee acted to exclude the CIR witnesses from the debate. According to CBC News,

[a]t the meeting’s outset, NDP immigration critic Jinny Sims drew attention to some of the material on the site, including stories defending so-called white nationalism and video clips from Canadian white supremacist Paul Fromm, among others.
“Mr. Chair, I am quite shocked that government members have asked this group to testify before us,” she said. “I would hope that you would agree with me that these views don’t have any place at a parliamentary committee in one of the most diverse, open and accepting countries on Earth.”

The Conservatives requested the committee move in-camera to discuss the matter, and then agreed to drop the witnesses from the day’s proceedings. Not satisfied, Conservative MP Chungsen Leung is reported to have declared afterwards in relation to the CIR:

“The views stated in their website are disgusting, and anti-Canadian, and I’m outraged by them. So as a result, I have asked the clerk that they be pulled [from the committee list].”

Needless to say that this should not surprise anyone who is aware of the politics of ‘immigration’ and multiculturalism in the modern West.

Topology of Hegemonic Egalitarianism in the Great White North
Jinny Jogindera Sims was born in India and Chungsen Leung was born in Taiwan, so we would expect them in all cases, even if unencumbered by ideology, to push for excluding an organisation like the CIR.

In turn, Sim’s party, the ironically named ‘New Democratic Party’ originated in 1961 through the merger of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) and the Co-Operative Common Wealth Federation (CCF). These constituent elements were themselves products of prior mergers.

The CLC was formed in 1956 through the merger of the country’s two major labour congresses: the Trades and Labour Congress of Canada (TLC) and the Canadian Congress of Labour (CCL). Unions affiliated with the CCL had been infiltrated by Communists; indeed, a labour central operated by the Communist Party of Canada, the Workers Unity League, had merged with the CCL in 1939...........

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