Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Syrian rebels returning to safe harbors of the Judeo-Christian countries under impression that ....

knowledge of their terrorists acts in Syria will remain in  Syria.   You know,  like that ad on TV .... "what happens in Vegas remains in Vegas".  Not true for Vegas and not true for Syria either.  Acts of debauchery as well as acts of  terrorism and crime have a habit of rising to the surface of the scum-filled gutters.

....British police say they have charged a man   arrested last week at Heathrow Airport for allegedly kidnapping two journalists in Syria.

Scotland Yard said Tuesday that 26-year-old Shajul Islam, who was arrested Oct. 9 at Heathrow after arriving on a flight from Egypt, will appear in court on Wednesday.The man was arrested together with a 26-year-old woman, who was released without charge earlier Tuesday.
Police had said that they were looking into whether the two were part of a group that held two veteran war journalists hostage in Syria in July.

The abduction of photographers John Cantlie and Jeroen Oerlemans highlighted concerns that British Muslims might be slipping into Syria to join extremists. Both said after their week-long ordeal that some of their captors spoke with British accents.....

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