Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sweden .... gone to the dogs

Those with eyes wide open and ears not plugged shut were aware of what was going on in Sweden from way back when.  The rot going on there is coming to Canada too. Wait and watch and hear.

Warnng:  The link below is frequented by some rabid Jew-haters in the comments section.  If you have wafer-thin sensibilities, don't click the link.  The sand is a warm place wherein to hide our heads hoping unpleasantness will just go away if we don't confront it head on.  It's not just the Muslims who blame everything on the Jews,  the "far right" or "nationalists" or whatever they call themselves,  are also doing their share.

A Letter from Sweden by Christian, writing at TheOccidentalObserver
.....The Swedish elites are afraid. The mainstream media have made it impossible to put comments under online articles. They use all their powers and there a lot of propaganda for multiculturalism and free immigration. The largest media companies are also lobbying heavily for abolishing civil rights.

But something is happening pretty rapidly now. The middle class are waking up. You see it at the University and at private and public institutions. You notice it in your family and among your friends. There are actually normal people who are quite critical of current immigration policy. Before it was the working class that first protested immigration and multiculturalism. Now it has become more common among the middle class. What I have also seen is that people working for the government are worried. Before it has been social workers, nurses, teachers, police and doctors — people on the frontline that have seen all the mess. Now, even the statisticians, investigators, public officers, clerks and other administrators see what is going on. People in the private sector are also wondering what is going on just  by looking out the window.

Stockholm, Oslo and Helsinki are now infested by gypsy beggars from Romania and Bulgaria. You see Africans taking over the drug trade, exploiting White misery. You see Yugoslavian, Russian, Albanian and Syrian Mafia control restaurants. You see Muslim fundamentalism taking place right on the streets of Stockholm, Oslo and Helsinki, at currency exchange offices and small banks. You see organized crime on the street and the police do nothing. In the upcoming election, the Green Party will run on a platform of lower funding for police. They are the third largest party in Sweden and are rising.

Currently part of the elites has tried to direct public anger on Muslims. This neo-conservative tactic has been reasonably successful. A couple of years ago a lot of nationalists in Europe seem to have taken it to heart and pushed for support for Israel and American intervention. This has been the case for the Swedish Democrats – where two Jewish brothers together with a couple of Christian Zionists have pushed the discourse into hating Muslims because of their religion. The terrorist act of  Anders Breivik changed things; it is not as easy anymore to be Islamophobic. The elites have also discovered that they will gain little support for it. Sweden had a version of EDL, but it never grew beyond a few members.

There is a new star on the Swedish Internet scene. A couple of years ago, Widar Nord, a former IT consultant, established his own online paper. He came from the libertarian camp but was quite critical of typical libertarian attitudes on immigration policy, their pro-Israeli views, and their lack of nationalism. His idea was to present an anti-establishment nationalist, paleo-libertarian and .....

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