Saturday, October 6, 2012

Stealth Shariah by Obama & Gang

 Guess who Obama and gang sends to Warsaw at the OSCE conference  to represent the USA.

From RightSideNews:
.... Our recent mission to the OSCE in Warsaw   focused on the fact that sharia compliance is being used by our governments as a vehicle to restrict some of our most basic freedoms and human rights. It therefore did not come as much of a surprise when one of our eagle-eyed activists spotted Salam Al-Marayati playing a key role as an official representing the United States Government.

Mr Al Marayarti is well known as a founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC). He is also known for his statements suggesting that the state of Israel was behind the 9/11 atrocities. His presence as part of the United States delegation illustrates clearly why we are concerned about the apparent flirtation between the United States Government and the Muslim Brotherhood and that Government’s apparent willingness to back initiatives of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) that would undermine the First Amendment rights of American citizens.

There has been a massive push in recent years to put severe restrictions on freedom of expression due to a combination of OIC agitation and the desire of Western governments to restrict criticism of their unpopular and highly damaging polices. Initiatives such as UNHCR resolution 16/18 purport to confront religious persecution but in reality help to facilitate it. It is clear that such a resolution promoted by the OIC which has member states guilty of some of the most blatant acts of religious persecution is not aimed at preventing persecution. It must be remembered that it is freedom of expression that guarantees freedom of religion and not the other way around. Restrictions that are placed on freedom of expression are therefore likely to result in severe restrictions being placed on freedom of religion...........

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