Friday, October 19, 2012

Roundup of recent muzzie mayhem

Must be lots more, but me so tired, so tired of reading about muslim freaks.  Mind you, most of the stuff below happened within the last 24 hours.

Beirut, Lebanon:
Bomb exploded    (some reports say "car-bomb" some say  otherwise) near Sassine Square, a mostly Christian area of Beirut, killing 8 and injuring almost 80.  The target seem to have been a top honcho from the Internal Security intelligence services,  Brigadier-General Wissam al-Hassan who was killed in the bombing.

Bahrain  (PR firms are making big bucks by bribing most of the MSM to downplay such incidents in the Sunni-ruled nations)
... A Bahraini policeman   was killed and another critically injured in a bomb attack while on patrol south of the capital Manama, security officials said on Friday, in further unrest plaguing the Gulf Arab kingdom and close U.S. ally.
Bahrain, where the U.S. Fifth Fleet is based as a bulwark against Iran, has been volatile since majority Shi'ite Muslims began protests last year initially crushed by the Sunni Muslim monarchy, using martial law and help from Gulf neighbors.
Smaller scale demonstrations have since resumed and anti-government protesters clash with security forces several times every week in the small island country.....

....Nigerian pirates have attacked   a cargo vessel, kidnapping six Russians and one Estonian. Another nine crew members were left on Liberty 249, which has safely docked at the Nigerian port of Onne, its final destination.
The attack occurred on Monday near the Niger Delta, but it only became known on Wednesday.
Russia’s Foreign Ministry has confirmed that Russian nationals were among the seized crewmembers.  Russian and Estonian diplomats assured they are now taking all the necessary measures to hasten the release and secure the safety of the kidnapped sailors.
Nigeria Special Forces are working in cooperation with both Russia and Estonia to find the crewmembers, as their whereabouts are unknown.
Some reports have speculated that a group of pirates with hostages left Nigeria after the attack. ...

UN planning intervention     after muzzies do    exactly what   their   hateful      book    of lies  
  command them they must   do to be good muzzie scum.

Turkey's army fired on Syria    on Friday after two shells launched from Syria landed in Turkish territory, Turkish state broadcaster TRT reported, underlining how tension between the two neighbors remains dangerously high.
TRT did not specify where the incident occurred and no further details were available. There were no reports of any casualties resulting from the exchange of fire.

.... Lightly-armed Syrian rebels who face the warplanes,  artillery and tanks of loyalists have turned to making their own weapons, in some cases even using video game controllers to fire them.
The ragtag forces fighting to topple President Bashar al-Assad's regime face shortages of almost everything, including ammunition, but they especially lack longer-range, heavier arms, and anti-aircraft weapons.
At a location in Aleppo province that rebels asked not be identified by name, arms-maker Abu al-Fadhel showed off a row of homemade weapons including a hand-grenade, a portable rocket-launcher, and various rockets with explosive warheads he said have ranges of up to several kilometres (miles).
He said that as the range of the rockets is known, they can be aimed with the help of Google Maps and a compass.

Saudi Arabia:
This much is beyond dispute:  Khalid al-Labad is dead.
Labad, 26, and two teenage relatives were fatally shot by police Sept. 26 as they sat in plastic chairs on the narrow sidewalk in front of their house in this broken-down little town in the far east of Saudi Arabia.
To police, Labad was a violent “menace” wanted for shooting two police officers, killing another man and attacking a police station. To human rights advocates, he was a peaceful protester silenced by the government for demanding equal rights for the country’s oppressed Shiite Muslim minority.....

Qatar is taking a key legal initiative to draft a law banning the insult
of any religion and hopes to eventually see it being converted into an international law with help from the UN.
The Ministry of Justice is taking an initiative to prepare the draft of the proposed law that seeks to ban the insult of religions, the Minister of Justice, H E Hassan bin Abdullah Al Ghanim announced here yesterday on the sidelines of a seminar.
The draft of the proposed law entitled ‘Qatar’s model law to stop the insult of religions’ is to be prepared by the justice ministry in collaboration with the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS).

A large consignment of arms destined for suspected   Islamist militants in north-eastern Somalia has been seized, a regional governor has told the BBC.
Abdisamad Gallan said a boat said to have come from Yemen delivered sealed sacks full of land mines and artillery.
Correspondents say this is one of the biggest seizures of al-Shabab weapons.
The discovery was made after a tip-off from residents in Qandala, a coastal town in the semi-autonomous region of Puntland, Mr Gallan said.
The al-Shabab group says it wants to strengthen its presence in Puntland.

Al Qaeda killed 16 soldiers in an attack  on an army base in south Yemen on Friday, medical and military sources said, in a further show of strength by Islamist militants despite a U.S. campaign of drone strikes to neutralize them.
Militants tightened their hold on parts of Yemen during an uprising that ousted veteran president Ali Abdullah Saleh in February, raising concern for the security of top oil exporter Saudi Arabia next door and nearby shipping lanes.
Violence has intensified in the past few weeks with Washington stepping up drone, or pilotless aircraft, operations and militants carrying out retaliatory attacks on state and military targets.

Local media and twitter reports suggest the Libyan army has begun bombarding the former Gaddafi stronghold of Bani Walid in an attempt to restore order in the town.
The fighting erupted earlier this week after militias allied to the Libyan army reportedly shelled the hilltop town.
The violence comes after the kidnap, shooting and torture in Bani Walid of, Omran Ben Shaaban, credited with capturing Gaddafi last year. Shaban died of his injuries last month while undergoing treatment in Paris. It is widely believed he was killed by Gaddafi loyalists.....

According to Constituent Assembly members,    a controversial article has been moved from the section on rights and liberties to the preamble of Tunisia’s draft constitution. Nicknamed “the blasphemy law,” the article was proposed by ruling political party Ennahdha and prohibits “insults, profanity, derision, and representation of God and Mohammed.”.....

Another MB islamist with the tell-tale black mark on his forehead joins Morsi's  govt.  No hope of any kind of democracy for Egypt.
....Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi's Freedom and Justice Party elected former parliament chief Saad al-Katatni on Friday to replace Morsi, who stepped down on taking over the presidency.
Katatni, who headed the Islamist-dominated parliament dissolved shortly before Morsi's election in June, beat his rival Essam al-Erian with roughly 67% of the vote by party delegates.
Erian was the acting head of the party, founded by the influential Muslim Brotherhood movement, after Morsi stepped down on having been elected the country's president....

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