Friday, October 26, 2012

Quotable quotes from the wonderful world of free speechers ... Part Seven

Amil Amani  

"Islam is a bad idea, and Muslims are guilty of living by it and promoting it."

"Keep in mind that Islam operates by stealth when not yet quiet powerful, just the way Muhammad himself operated. Then, gradually builds its power to the point that the soft approach no longer is necessary to subdue others and impose its will."

“To a jihadist, death is nothing more than casting off a shell of the worthless earthly existence and donning the suit for winging joyously to the life of bliss promised by none-other than Allah’s beloved final emissary, Muhammad."

"To my thinking, Islam is the problem because there are Muslims who take its holy book, the Quran, as gospel and carry out its divisive and deadly provisions. Without Muslims, Muhammad’s Quran would be just another historic relic sitting on library shelves, next to Hitler’s Mein Kampf, gathering dust and criminals of the world have to find other instruction manuals to guide their activities."

"The annual fall circus of the United Nations where heads of state or their high representatives flock to New York to address the General Assembly on matters of great import to the world community, often lives up to the appellation “circus.” "

"Eradication of jihadism is a daunting task, since Islam is truly a virulent persistent pandemic disease. Massive education efforts, combined with resolute confrontation of all sources and people that support and promote this deadly philosophy, hold the best promise of dealing effectively with this affliction of humanity.”

"Interestingly enough, Muslims lash out in savagery when the sanctity of their faith is affronted in the form of a cartoon, a video, a book, or an individual burning of a Quran. Yet, they feel free not only in insulting other peoples’ religions, but wreaking all kinds of horrific acts upon them.  Defaming, insulting, and desecrating others’ beliefs is in the fabric of Islam itself."

"Muslims do not have the right to engage in atrocities against others while demanding that no one in any form or shape offend their religious sensibilities."

"Terrorism has no external reality, without terrorists. For as long as there are people who cling no matter how loosely or tightly to Islam, humanity, including Muslims, stands to suffer the consequences. Yet, sadly, many Muslims refuse to recognize the fact that it is their sickly belief system that is at the core of leading them astray and inflicting great harm to all."

"It is imperative that we see reality and deal with it. No euphemism, no sugarcoating, no politically correct posturing. It is time to abandon all pretenses and place the blame where it belongs. It is the Mayhem and Murder Islam, Inc. that is breeding terrorists. Without Islam, there would be no Islamic terrorists."

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