Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Quotable quotes from the wonderful world of free speechers ... Part Four

Robert Redeker  

"The exaltation of violence; a merciless war chief, plunderer, slaughterer of Jews and a polygamist, such is the man revealed through the Koran."

"Turning to Mahomet, by contradiction, reinforces hate and violence. Jesus is a master of love, Mahomet is a master of hatred."

"The stoning of Satan, each year at Mecca, is not just a superstitious phenomenon. It not only sets the scene for a rabble flirting with barbarity. Its scope is anthropological. Here in effect is a rite, which each Muslim is invited to submit himself to, emphasizing violence as a sacred duty in the heart of the believer. This stoning, annually accompanied with deaths by trampling of the faithful, sometimes in several hundreds, is a ritual which nurtures archaic violence. Instead of getting rid of this archaic violence... Islam builds a nest for this violence, where it can grow in the warmth."

" Islam is a religion which, even in its sacred text, as well as in its banal rites, exalts violence and hate... Hate and violence inhabit the book with which each Muslim is educated, the Koran."


  1. Well I have never read nor plan to read the Koran so I will take his word on its contents as I have read several other similiar comments. I only woke up to the fact that Islamists are murderous intolerant idiots after 9/11. And lots since then has reinforced my loathing for this maniacal mindset.
    (you may notice I have a fondness for alliteration)

  2. Yes...people woke up after 9/11 but many of them went right back to slumberland. If not for those who stayed awake since then to keep sounding the impending death knell of Shariah into the ears of the half-asleep, North America would have sunk deeper into dhimmihood and shariah.


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