Thursday, October 4, 2012

Paul Fromm .... who according to our "superiors" is a "White Supremacist"

In the video interview that was conducted by CIReport, Fromm says on immigration:

  "Every person who enters the country is a slap in the face of unemployed Canadians..."

I have been saying that since I lost my job more than three years ago.  It took me until now to realize that I am a Supremacist too ... albeit not a "white" one  ... because as I read up on Paul Fromm I found that many of his thoughts and opinions are akin to mine.

It's the same video that was largely responsible for the couple operating the CIReport website getting banned from presenting to the Standing Committee on Citizenship & Immigration and their website labelled as "disgusting" and "hateful" by all three political parties that make up the Government of Canada... the cowardly Conservatives, the loony Liberals and the communist NDP.

I found a video of Fromm talking on the loony tunes decision of the totally mad Toronto District School Board's decision to have "blacks only" schools ...and   I found myself agreeing with almost everything he said.  So ... that does it.  I am a confirmed "Supremacist" of some sort.   Never invite me to any committee, don't visit my blog, don't link to me, avoid me like the plague....I beg you.  I am not a conformist and never will be.   Nobody can ever influence my thoughts and opinions .... NOBODY.

I haven't listened to all his videos on YouTube.  Maybe there will be something like the madness that spurts from David Duke and the other Stormfront guys somewhere in those tapes.  Maybe this guy too thinks that Jews control the USA and Canada and all the financial institutions in the world and that they control the media, blah, blah, blah.  So what ?!!!   We have possession of our own minds and the capacity to judge and discern, don't we???  Are we going to be hypnotize by all the drivel from their mouths and start thinking like the anti-Semites among them?   The Canadian society treating him as persona non grata is not the way to go.  The right way is to debate him about his views and opinions that you don't like or agree with.

And, furthermore,  so what if he's a member of Stormfront, the supposedly "major hate site" on planet earth???    We listen and watch much worse from the Muslim hate sites.  That's tolerable... but not Stormfront?   Give me a break !!!!

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