Tuesday, October 9, 2012

In or Out of the EU.... the UK is already Caliphated .... so who cares !

Daniel Hannan talks with one eye shut to the real problem while he harps on as usual on the UK's possible exit from the EU.
 ..In less than two years,    a referendum on our membership of the EU has gone from being almost unthinkable to being almost inevitable. The sensible men, the moderate men, the men of bottom and judgment who used to dismiss Eurosceptics as loons, now tell us, with that grave expression they’ve perfected, that it’s all a matter of timing.

Before going further, we ought to tip our hats to the people who have brought this transformation about, including the 111 righteous MPs, Nigel Farage and the People’s Pledge. Theirs is an astonishing achievement. Such is the state of public expectation that anything short of an In/Out vote would now look like a climbdown.

So why, you ask, are we being addressed in hints, half-promises and off-the-record briefings? Why not just get on and announce the bloody thing?

There are two possible explanations. The first is that David Cameron has made up his mind to put the question to the country, but wants to squeeze every last drop of electoral advantage from that announcement. As recently as last month, well-briefed journalists were telling us that he would declare a referendum in tomorrow’s speech. Patrick O’Flynn of the Daily Express had been given to understand that the vote would be held during this parliament. Trevor Kavanagh of The Sun was equally certain. These men don’t write such things lightly. Their sources are solid, their forecasts generally accurate.

Then, a couple of weeks ago, there was a change of heart. The PM still planned to make his announcement, we were told, but it would come later in the year. The reason was that he was engaged in a separate argument with Brussels to do with the budget – specifically, we now learn, his laudable attempt to create separate budgets for eurozone and non-eurozone states – and he felt that a referendum announcement in the middle of those talks would weaken his position......

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