Thursday, October 11, 2012

Hyphenated Canadian returns to ever convenient Canadian harbor OR how the failed immigration policy of the Liberals being continued unchanged by the Conservatives

Story:  Muslim immigrant family to Canada. The wife, Thwaiba Kanafani,  is the woman who went partying with rebel groups in Syria. This family reminds me of how the Khadr family must have looked  in the early stages of their "terrorist" history.  The child welfare people should be taking a close look at this family.

The Syrian rebel is now back in Toronto after her jaunt of 4+ months with the murderous rebel groups.  She is Syrian by birth, whereas her husband seem to have family members in Egypt (just as had  the Khadr father) ... so his "home" country is not easily detected in the article but he could be either from Syria or from Egypt.  The family migrated to Canada in 2002...or maybe earlier, according to the article the family has been living in Toronto since 2002.

90% or more of the immigrants from the Muslim countries coming into Canada will never think of Canada as their "home".  "Home" to them is "Islam" and only their own countries of origin can provide to them what they seek for fulfillment of their lives here on Earth.  Canada cannot .... and the sooner those in power realize that, the sooner we can halt all immigration from Muslim countries.

I am adamantly against Canada not putting a stop to dual citizenship.  If one wants to be a citizen of Canada, that person should be willing to give up their right to the citizenship of their "home' country.

If one is not willing to let go of their "home" country, then don't migrate to Canada.  PERIOD !

The actions of this hyphenated Canadian going off to join the rebels has disgusted me.  More disgusting was the attitude of SUNTV hosts Charles Adler and Ezra Levant opining  that what she was doing, was admirable.  You can read the gory details here,    here,   here,  and here.

I liked this very frank remark from a N00bicals in the comments section to the NP article:  
For the record, I think she is abusing her rights bestowed on her as a naturalized citizen and we must revoke her citizenship as she has clearly shown she has no loyalty or respect for this country. 
However, the life of a dual national is a difficult one. Before you tarnish all of us with the same brush, each one of us has a different story, with varying levels of "Canadian-ness". For me, I moved here from the UK when I was 11 and have spent 12 great years here. I am returning to the UK for work next year, maybe for a long time. However, this shouldn't mean I should lose my citizenship. I still love this country and I believe I hold Canadian values at heart. If it came down to it and Britain and Canada were allied in war, I would probably fight for Canada. Who knows, maybe I won't like the Brits for not being nice enough :) But that doesn't mean I don't have feelings for Britain even if it has been a long time (struggling to remember life over there) since if left. But like I said, being a dual national is a complicated affair and we are all different, so please consider our story before judging us.
From that remark, anyone with  commonsense (unlike the type that Charles Adler the "Canadian commonsense guru" has) will see how Canada's failed immigration policy of importing people to Canada who will still have their hearts and souls fixed forever in their "home" countries, would mean to all of us  if Canada is ever caught in a major war with one of these immigrants'  "home" countries.  The remark from the dual citizenship holder talks about "allied"  but change that to "enemies" and take another think and see how it would work out.

The future of Canada and the rest of the Judeo-Christian countries is a dark, dreadful one.  

CSIS should be taking a close look and sadly would have to put additional strain on their budget by continuing  to keep an eye on all these hyphenated Canadians returning to Canada after whatever it was they have been doing in Libya, Egypt and Syria.... because of this of  2 days ago:

The arrest at Heathrow airport last night   of a man and woman off a flight from Egypt has underscored fears that militant Islamists are going to fight in Syria, only to return to put their training there into practice in the UK
The police say the pair, both aged 26, are now being questioned at a central London station – where most terrorist suspects are interrogated initially. The two were arrested on suspicion of "the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism". Two homes in east London are being searched.

Fears have been growing that new groups, or small cells, of 'salafist' or 'jihadi' extremists have been moving from the UK to Syria and joining in the fight there, along with affiliates from the Gulf region and local Syrian insurgents.....

1 comment:

  1. Here is a perspective from an immigrant to Canada: myself.

    End dual citizenship, now!

    End hyphenated Canadianness, now!

    It is an insult to all of us loyal Canadians who choose to make this country our home, whether by birth or by choice.


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