Monday, October 8, 2012

How long will it take to roast Turkey's prime turkey ?

Me think not long now.  Poor Erdogan ... all the billions he got from the Saudis will do him no good.  He is sitting duck for the rage and hate sent his way by his own citizens who know that the man was bribed heavily by the Arab nations and the USA into starting a war with Syria.  There are ongoing protests in Turkey because the citizens are dead set against Turkey's aggressive attacks on Syria.  Pro-Syria groups are claiming that the rebel groups were the ones who fired missiles into Turkey to give Erdogan and NATO an excuse to commence the more intensive hostilities on Assad's army.

Incidentally, I read at one of the Syria forums that there are two rebel battalions in Syria going by the name of USA's sworn old foe ... Saddam Hussein.   HAHAHAHAHAHA   Talk about an upside down world!!   The  USA is giving weapons and logistics support  to Saddam Hussein's battalions.  It can't get any richer than that.  HAHAHAHAHAH

Oh  .... and if you are thinking that Mitt Romney will take a different stance on Syria .... think again.

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