Monday, October 22, 2012

Democrats' premature ejaculation in Arizona

and anywhere else where they are neither hard nor aroused.  CBS should be taken to task for the lapse.  This is not a small matter that should  go unnoticed or unchallenged.  If the Left  can spend days on "women in binders",  the Republicans should show how they too can play that game....and WIN.

Gov.Sarah Palin writing at her Facebook page:
Isn't it a little premature to call the race for Obama two weeks before the election? It looks like a CBS News affiliate in Phoenix, Arizona did just that last Friday for 17 seconds when they flashed a graphic showing Obama beating Romney with 99% of the precincts reporting. CBS needs to explain this. But whatever their explanation, let's make this their "Dewey Defeats Truman" moment. Please remember to tune in to the important debate tonight. The momentum for this election is not with Obama, regardless of what some in the media might want to think.

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