Sunday, October 14, 2012

Dangerous Diplomatic Representives speaking on behalf of the USA

USA has let herself become dangerously and shamelessly,  islamized.  We can't blame the whole mess on just Obama and gang. It's more the blindness of the old fogies from both parties  in the USA's government that has let go of any and all principles.  There should be a restriction on the number of terms or years that these idiots can serve in office.  The older they get, the easier it is to bribe or blackmail these morons and the longer they serve, the more plentiful their sins. They make the easiest  targets for the takiyyah masters and the Muslim Brotherhood lobbyists.

From TheInvestigativeProject:
 ....The State Department is vociferously  defending its decision to send Muslim Public Affairs Council boss Salam al-Marayati to represent the United States at a recent 10-day human rights conference in Poland. He "has been involved in U.S. government initiatives for almost 10 years and has been a valued and highly credible interlocutor on issues affecting Muslim communities," a State Department spokesman told the Washington Free Beacon, adding that al-Marayati was invited to participate in the meeting "as a reflection of the wide diversity of backgrounds of the American people."

If the al-Marayati choice is any indication, that "diversity" apparently extends to anti-Israel ideologues who attack U.S. terrorism prosecutions, whitewash Hamas war crimes, and portray Iran as a victim of U.S. perfidy. And he runs an organization which opposes key elements of American counter-terror policies, including the drone strike which killed American-born al-Qaida cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, the closing of terror-supporting charities and sting operations against would-be homegrown terrorists.

A year ago, al-Marayati even threatened to sever ties with the U.S. government in a strongly-worded Los Angeles Times op-ed column. Expressing anger over the use of "anti-Muslim" training materials by the FBI and a U.S. Attorney's office, al-Marayati wrote: "If this matter is not immediately addressed, it will undermine the relationship between law enforcement and the Muslim American community—another example of the ineptitude and/or apathy undermining bridges built with care over decades."

In spite of MPAC's hostile view of government policies, administration officials routinely turn to MPAC for policy advice, including the training materials al-Marayati ranted about in the Times. In February, MPAC officials met with FBI Director Robert Mueller to discuss training materials about Islam. That same month, MPAC officials met with top Pentagon leaders to receive an apology over a recent incident involving Quran burnings in Afghanistan.

In 2010, the State Department sent al-Marayati to Paris and Geneva to speak to United Nations groups about religious freedom and free speech.

Don't take our word for it when it comes to al-Marayati's extreme views toward Israel, U.S. policy and law enforcement. Watch and listen to the following examples from al-Marayati's mouth:..........

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