Monday, October 15, 2012

Dalton McGuinty steps down, but not soon enough .... harm done to children's innocence is irreparable

The question now is: When can we see the last of  Laura Broten, Minister of Education?   And, will the PC platform save Ontarians or will we be at the mercy of yet another Liberal premier?

When the shit is too deep to wade through, McGuinty the destroyer resigns.   When his own people demand that what they are getting from him is not enough and want much, much more, he calls it quits.   I feel sorry for  the person who takes over the mess McGuinty has created during his long tenure.

IMO, the reign of Dalton McGuinty  has been the biggest blow that Ontario's education system has been ever dealt and it will take a long time before the entire school system is completely revamped and totally deloused from the depravity that the Liberals let loose into the young malleable minds of our children.  His  insistence that sex education, and sex education of the most depraved kind,  be taught to kids will not ever be forgotten.  This premier will be forever known by many of us as Dalton "teach children oral sex" McGuinty.

Moreover, his Ministry of Education throwing open cafeterias to segregated prayer services where imams sermonized to Muslim youth, with boys in the front rows, then far behind them, the female students and far, far, far behind those female students, the female students who were menstruating .... will never be forgotten  nor easily  forgiven.  

His other sins,  and there have been plenty     .... pales in comparison to the harm his crazy liberal values  have done to school-going children.

From CBC news:
....Ontario Premier Dalton  McGuinty      has announced a surprise end to his tenure as Liberal leader, saying that it is time for his party to put a new leader at its helm.

The premier called an emergency caucus meeting Monday night to announce that he was stepping down.

"After 16 years as leader of the Ontario Liberal Party and after nine years as premier, it’s time for renewal, it’s time for the next Liberal premier," McGuinty said"It’s time for the next set of Liberal ideas to guide our province forward."

McGuinty, 57, has served as Ontario premier since 2003 and has led the Liberals since 1996......

......Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak thanked McGuinty for his years of public service, but was critical of the Liberal leader’s choice to prorogue the legislature.

"Given the scope of the challenges that our province of Ontario faces, now is not the time to close down the legislature and to walk away," Hudak said, calling on McGuinty to “reconsider” the measure.

"We just can’t simply close the doors and lock them up at this crucial point in our history."

McGuinty has asked the Ontario Liberal Party to call a leadership convention "at the earliest possible opportunity," though he will stay on as premier until the party chooses a new leader...........

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