Monday, October 29, 2012

Cavemen from around the world are converging on Syria ....

and our politicians, who are far wiser than we can ever hope to be, never tire of telling themselves and everybody around them that the Assad regime is committing atrocities of the worst  possible kind on his own people.  Of course, the cavemen waltzing around with chopped off  heads and setting off a few car bombings and  kidnapping several people for ransom or as human shields and the plenty of  sniper hits here and there which have killed  hundreds of innocent Syrians, are of no consequence, because they, the sweet saviours, are only doing their best to stop Assad and his regime from committing further atrocities.

I wonder what these same politicians will say  when a similar situation arises in their own countries (yes, I said "when" and not "if") and murdering islamists whom these same politicians have imported into Judeo-Christian countries, decide to take up arms against the governments of the Judeo-Christian countries.  Do you think they will sit quietly and watch  the cavemen take over or do you think they will decide to use their police services, and if the police services are overwhelmed, do you think they will decide to send in the army to prevent the cavemen from taking over?

Just a few days ago, Fr. Fadi Haddad was kidnapped, tortured and killed by rebel gangs when the ransom payment for his release was not made.

These are the same  rebel gangs that the politicians from countries like America, Canada, Australia, Turkey, the United Kingdom with the rest of the  EU and the manipulative Arab Sunni nations along with even Israel (who should know better)  are loudly  giving their support to monster killers by declaring that Assad is the monster and should step down.  Over and besides the rhetoric against Assad and his regime, these same countries are funneling funds, weapons and logistics to the kind of people who are at best of times, animals,  and at the worst of times, utter savages.   The world has truly gone stark raving mad.... and the madness has started with those that we the ordinary citizens in the Judeo-Christian countries have elected to high office.

..... Home of the hardcore Islamic militants  from China's troubled Xinjiang province, bordering Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK), are heading to Syria and linking up with organisations like al-Qaeda to fight against the Syrian government, a media report said today.

"Leaders from 'East Turkestan' terror groups have organised for members to head for Syria to participate in their quest for jihad," state-run Global Times quoted Chinese anti-terrorism authorities as saying.....

....After receiving orders from al-Qaeda, terrorists from China came to Syria to meet with jihadists already on the ground before forming groups on the frontlines, the official said.....

.....The headquarters of ETESA, located in Istanbul, are quite extensive and include research, media, social affairs, education and women's affairs departments. It aims to "educate and train Muslims" in Xinjiang and "set them free" by forming a Muslim state, a Chinese official told the daily.....

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